Chapter Twelve: Bad Idea

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Chapter Twelve: Bad Idea

"This is a bad fucking idea." EZ said for what felt like the tenth time in a matter of seconds. "Isobel this is a bad fucking idea." He said again as he stared into the brunette's brown eyes, hoping she would finally fucking listen to him.

The idea the brunette had formed in her mind was down right stupid, and EZ knew it. He knew Isobel was up to something when she called him and told him to be at her house in ten minutes - he just wasn't expecting this. If EZ went along with Isobel's plan and something went wrong he knew there was no way he'd ever get his full patch - or worse.

"Yeah, you've said that already." Isobel pointed out as she let out a sigh. "Look, I need to do this EZ. I need to get some normalcy back into mine and Nina's lives. I can't keep looking over my fucking shoulder, wondering if this is the day he shows up, and honestly EZ as much as I enjoy yours and Angel's company I want you both out of my house." She said with a smile on her face.

The flowers had been coming more frequently, and the brave facade Isobel had put on in the beginning had finally broken. She had been getting hardly any sleep most nights - it didn't matter that EZ and Angel were alternating nights on her couch, she still couldn't sleep and she was always looking over her shoulder, waiting for the day Javier finally showed his face. Isobel was so fucking done with being scared and she was doing this with or without EZ's help.

"Is," EZ sighed as he ran a hand over his head. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. "this is a bad idea." The Prospect said yer again. "Taza will kill me - literally."

A sigh left Isobel's lips as she ran a hand through her hair. She understood where EZ was coming from, if he helped her it could jeopardize him getting a full patch and she'd never want to be the reason for that, but she couldn't sit still and be silent anymore while all of this was going on. Isobel had never been one to sit back or be silent and she wasn't going to start now.

"I'm doing this EZ." Isobel said firmly as her brown eyes connected with EZ's. "With or without you."

"Fine." EZ finally agreed after a moment of silence passed between them. He knew there was no way to talk her out of this. EZ knew it was better for him to go with Isobel than for her to go alone.


The winds blew through Isobel's dark hair as she held on tightly to EZ. The hot Santo Padre sun was beating on her back as they drove further away from the small town. Nerves were building in the pit of Isobel's stomach the further they got away from Santo Padre and the closer they got to Mexico. This had been her idea but that didn't mean she wasn't fucking nervous, there were so many different ways this could go, and she wasn't so sure if any of them ended well for her.

EZ could feel Isobel's body tensing as her arms tighten around him, he placed a hand on her thigh hoping to give her some comfort and ease her nerves, but he quickly removed it once he felt her body begin to tense even more at his touch. EZ kept his brown eyes focused on the road as he drove towards the place Isobel was so desperate to get to.

Isobel closed her eyes and rested her head against EZ's back, she hadn't meant to tense up when he touched her. She knew he was probably just trying to give her some comfort, but Isobel was too in her head and nervous to be grateful for EZ's comforting touch. Her idea was impulsive and she had no idea what would come out of her mouth once she was face to face with him. It had been years since Isobel had last saw him and anger was always the number one emotion she had whenever he crossed her mind.

It was thirty more minutes before EZ turned onto a dirt road and slowed his bike down as he passed by a few small houses, coming to a complete stop once Isobel tapped him on the shoulder.

"This is a bad fucking idea." He repeated his words from earlier as he cut the engine to his bike, his brown eyes looking at the small house with hesitation.

"EZ can you please stop fucking saying that." She knew this was a bad idea, but EZ reminding her of that wasn't helpful in any way. "There's no going back now." Isobel said with a sigh as she unwrapped her arms from around EZ and slowly dismounted from his bike.

Isobel took a deep breath before she walked slowly towards the all too familiar house with EZ close by her side. The door swung open before Isobel had a chance to knock on it, the abruptness of it surprising her a bit though it really shouldn't have. She should of known he'd be expecting her.

"Hola hermana. Te estaba esperando."


Translation —
te estaba esperando - I've been expecting you


A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update! Some stuff is about to go down in the next couple of chapters. Thank you for the votes, views, and comments! ❤️ ❤️

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