Chapter Nineteen: "I gave her my heart, and she gave me a pen."

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Chapter Nineteen: "I gave her my heart, and she gave me a pen."

"How are you and Bishop doing?" Isobel questioned Leni while shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth

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"How are you and Bishop doing?" Isobel questioned Leni while shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

It had been a while since the two friends had gotten to enjoy time together outside of the hospital — without stitching up Mayan here and there, but that was never enjoyable. So what better way to enjoy a peaceful night than with some cheesy 80s movies and junk food — complete with gossip about their current love lives.

"We're taking a break." The blonde said while rolling her blue eyes at her cringeworthy choice of words. "I mean, I don't even think it's considered a break seeing as we were never really officially together." Leni shrugged before bringing the bottle of beer up to her lips and taking a sip.

Isobel didn't hear any bitterness in her blonde friends voice. Maybe a hint of sadness, but no bitterness. She knew Bishop cared for Leni. Where Taza said it was obvious to see that Marcus cared for Isobel , to Isobel it was blatantly obvious to see that The Santo Padre President cared for the blonde nurse.

"Enough about me." Leni said while waving a dismissive hand. "How are things with Alvarez?" The blonde asked with a suggestive smirk on her face.

A sigh left Isobel's lips and she could immediately feel heart eyes forming in her brown eyes at the mention of Marcus' name. It was completely obvious that Isobel Romero was in love with Marcus Alvarez. Three months had passed since their date, and while things were a little hard with the long distance, it looked like that was all about to change very soon.

"Things are really great, Len." The brunette said with a large smile. "He's decided to move to Santo Padre." Isobel admitted, deciding to omit the part that it was a job opportunity with Miguel Galindo for the move, but all that mattered to Isobel was that Marcus would be living in the same town as her.

"Shit. That's really fucking great, Is. I'm really happy for you and Nina. You both deserve the world." Leni said while throwing her arms around her brunette friend, pulling her into a tight hug.

Leni knew how much Isobel had gone through with Javier, and how much judgment the brunette got from the teachers and parents at Nina's school due to her  association with the Mayans. The blonde never thought any of that should have mattered about a person. What mattered was how a person treated another person. How kind they were, how loving, and Isobel Romero was one of the most kind and loving people that Leni Carter knew.

"He's really fucking great with Nina, and the relationship blooming between them is so fucking amazing, Len." Isobel said, her voice muffled against Leni's shoulder.

Isobel's heart swelled at the thought of Marcus taking on the father role so quickly and comfortably. Sure, she already knew he was a father, but for him to ease into the role with Nina was so refreshing for Isobel to see, and for Nina to be so allowing and open to let him was even more refreshing for the brunette.

"I'm really happy for you

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"I'm really happy for you." The blonde said with a smile as she finally removed her arms from the brunette. "Now let's watch Say Anything so I can fall in love with Lloyd Dobler all over again." Leni said with a dramatic sigh.

A laugh left Isobel's lips as she pressed play on the movie, grabbing a blanket and throwing it over the both of them. Isobel knew one of them would fall asleep half way through the movie — it always happened.

A/N: super short filler chapter, but it's necessary because I'm working on a Bishop fanfic about him and Leni.

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