Chapter Seventeen: Stay With Me

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Chapter Seventeen: Stay With Me

Isobel kept her brown eyes glued to the gun sitting on top of her kitchen table

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Isobel kept her brown eyes glued to the gun sitting on top of her kitchen table. Javier had put it down once Taza had entered the house as a meaning of goodwill. She knew if it came down to killing Javier she could without hesitation.

"I see you brought back up." Javier chuckled as he looked out the window, his dark eyes landing on Angel and Coco who stood on the front lawn with their hands on their guns ready for a fight.

"Fuck you." Taza spat as he stared at the man with nothing but hatred in his eyes. "What do you want?" He asked while taking a quick glance over at Isobel only to see her staring at the gun on the table.

"You two aren't the smartest of the Romero siblings are you?" Javier chuckled as he turned away from the window. "El Palo wants to hurt you. He wants Isobel and Nina back in Mexico, wants one big happy fuckin' family." The man scoffed as he stared at Taza.

"No fuckin' way." Taza hissed.

There was no fucking way Taza would allow Isobel and Nina to go and live in Mexico with El Palo. Isobel and Nina were his life, his heart besides the club and no one would ever take them away from him. He'd have to be dead and in the ground before that would ever happen.

"You don't really say no to El Palo." Javier stated as he shook his head at the stupidity at the Romero man.

"Well I fuckin' am."

A low chuckle left Javier's mouth as he pulled a knife from the holder attached to his leg. "I guess we'll have to do this the hard way."

Isobel quickly grabbed the gun in her hands as she watched Javier smirk at her brother with what she could only describe as pure evil. She pointed the gun at Javier making sure the safety was off.

"Don't you fucking dare." She warned the man she had once loved. "I will fucking pull this trigger, Javier." Isobel could feel Taza's eyes on her as she spoke with the gun aimed at Javier.

"Isobel," Taza said softly. He wasn't so sure if she could live with herself if she had to pull the trigger. "Give me the gun."

Isobel shook her head not removing her eyes from Javier, who still had a smirk on his face even while looking death right in the face.

"You wouldn't do it, Is." Javier mocked. "You don't have the fuckin' stomach to pull that trigger." He chuckled.

"Fuck you." The brunette spat.

"You're just gonna stand there while I kill your brother, because you can't pull that trigger." He stated matter of factly while walking towards Taza.

Isobel watched as Javier walked closer towards her brother — fear swelling in her chest at the thought of loosing Taza. The Romero woman narrowed her eyes, focusing them on Javier and took in a deep breath before squeezing the trigger.

Something warm hit her face as she pulled the trigger again, again. She hadn't realized she was screaming until Taza grabbed the gun from her hands and pulled her into a tight embrace. She could hear the door being kicked open and hear Angel and Coco asking a million questions before everything went dark.


Isobel opened her eyes, quickly sitting up in the bed while taking in her surroundings. A sigh of relief left her lips as she realized she was in her bedroom. It felt like a nightmare as flashes of earlier rushed into her mind. Javier was dead, and she was the one who killed him.

"You're awake." Marcus said with a small smile as he walked into the room, closing the door softly behind him.

Alvarez had been so worried when he pulled up to Isobel's only to hear gun shots and her screaming. He had thought the worst. He thought she was gone forever and he couldn't possibly live with that.

"Marcus." Isobel said softly as she stared at the older man. "I-I killed him." She said while running a hand through her dark hair, quickly looking down at her hands to see if they were painted with his blood.

"Yes." Marcus nodded as he sat down on the bed, grabbing Isobel's hands in his. "You did what needed to be done querida." He told her firmly.

Isobel nodded. "Where's Nina?" She asked.

"At the clubhouse." He assured the Romero woman.

Isobel leaned into Marcus, feeling safe for the first time in weeks. She breathed in his smell of cologne and leather. It was the most comforting smell to her at the moment.

"Stay with me?" She asked, her voice sounding small as she closed her eyes.

"Of course querida." He said while kissing the top of her head. There was no where else in the world Marcus would rather be.


A/N: sorry it's so short! But hey, at least it's an update!

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