What Is This Feeling: Adrien

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Adrien and Nino both sat at their usual table during lunch time. The third chair where Y/N usually sat was empty since Y/N was at home sick.

"I'm kinda bummed that Y/N isn't here, dude", Nino commented after taking a drink from his juice box. "Like, I know all we do is have lunch and make TikToks sometimes but...bro, are you okay? Whatcha looking at?" He looked at Adrien who seemed to be scrolling aimlessly through his phone. Nino peered over to see the pictures that were taken from their day at the zoo.

"Nothing, I was just looking back at the day we had together." Adrien put his phone back down before picking it up again. "I want to call her but what if she's asleep? I really don't want to bother her." He stares at the phone in his hands for a few seconds until Nino gave him a playful punch on his arm.

"Seriously? No way! I'm sure she's bored out of her mind. If you don't want to call her right now, shoot her a text and if she says yes, then we can video call her. We've got an hour left of lunch anyway", Nino reminded him. "I'd call her if I were you."

Adrien thought about it for a few before video calling Y/N. After a couple of rings, Y/N picked up. Her eyes were a bit puffy but other than that, she looked fine. It took Adrien a bit to get past her appearance, not that he'd hold it against her- mind you. "Hey, Y/N." The corners of his lips turned into a small smile as he was happy to see his dear friend despite her state. He tilted the phone to allow Nino in the shot but Nino just sent Y/N a wave and a brief 'hello!'.

"Hey, Adrien", Y/N waved. She looked at herself on the screen and was thankful that only her eyes were puffy. It was obvious that she had just woken up. She took a while to respond since she needed a few seconds to push all the tissues and water bottles away from her phone camera. "Hey, Nino. How are you guys?"

"We're good", Adrien shrugged. "We miss you. Hopefully you get better soon. How are you feeling?"

"Better than how I look, trust me", Y/N quipped as she sat up and reached for the lamp on her nightstand. She winced at the proximity of the bright light and dimmed it. "Ignore that", Y/N chuckled tiredly. "Seriously though, I'm okay."

Adrien's smile turned into a grin as he saw her grimace and retreat under the sheets. "What are you talking about? You look great", he reassured her. "I'll believe you but only if you promise to get better. School is so boring without you. Especially since Nino's always busy with Alya."

His comment earned him a quick noogie from Nino.

"That's rich, Adrien. If you're so pressed about third wheeling, then get yourself a date." Y/N scoffed playfully, as if her sarcastic response were a genuine solution to his trivial problem.

Adrien laughed sarcastically. "Now that's rich. As if my dad's going to allow that." He focused back on Y/N once Nino literally got off his back. "Plus, if I got a date, that means you'd be fifth wheeling. What kind of friend would I be if I let that happen?"

Y/N sighed in mock exasperation. "I guess. Fine, I'll get better just so you, Adrien "I've Got More Than Half of Paris' Teenage Population Wrapped Around My Pinky" Agreste, don't have to third wheel."

"You promise", Adrien asked as he stifled a smile at his friend's attempt to roast him.

"I swear", Y/N insisted. "As long as I'm here, you won't third wheel anyone." She yawned and it was pretty obvious that her disrupted nap had come back to haunt her.

"Alright, I believe you and I'll hold you to it." Adrien's eyes softened at the sight. "You should go back to sleep. Plus, it's almost time we head back to class."

"Getting rid of me so soon, Adrien?" Y/N smiled, drowsiness weighing her voice down. "You should have some more time left." Her eyes were slowly becoming droopier. "Actually, I think I will sleep. Just a small power nap. I'll be all set to kick butt afterwards."

"Sure you will", Adrien comforted her as he realized she was falling asleep. "Sleep tight, okay? Love you". With that said, he hung up but only after realizing what he had said.

Nino seemed to realize that too. The bespectacled brunette stared at his friend with wide eyes and an incredulous smile. "Dude-"

"Hang on", Adrien put his phone down. "I didn't mean it and chances are she didn't even hear me since she was falling asleep."

Nino now donned a taunting smirk on his face. "I'm going to ask you a question, bro, and I need you to answer honestly: do you have a crush on Y/N?"

"Nino, you know she's a friend", Adrien answered.

"That's not an actual answer, dude, and you know it." He folded his arms across his chest and looked at Adrien with a raised brow.

Adrien couldn't find a solid, definite answer. He obviously felt that Y/N was a great girl and a great friend, but he's never had anyone to associate to the word 'girlfriend' and he wasn't sure if Y/N even thought about him that way. Not to mention, he still had his Ladybug in his heart and he wouldn't know what his bugaboo found out he's crushing on another girl. It was too much for the short amount of time Nino gave him to answer.

"I honestly don't know."

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