We're Not Dating: Nathaniel

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As the months passed, Y/N became closer to Marc and Nathaniel. They became as thick as thieves ever since the day at the gallery and they've spent most days together since then.

Every weekend, the trio of art nerds would make plans to hang out. That weekend wasn't going to be an exception. They had made plans to go to the local roller skating rink and just vibe together but Marc had to stay home and watch his siblings.

"It's okay. There's always next weekend", Marc reassured his friends. "Plus, you two should still hang out. We didn't consider anything that could stop us, but it's okay."

Finally, after some more convincing on Marc's behalf, Nathaniel and Y/N agreed to meet up at the roller skate rink.

Y/N was the first to get to the building but she patiently waited for Nathan. Outside the roller rink, she saw Andre's ice cream and perked up immediately. She was going to buy some ice cream but decided to wait for Nathan just in case he wanted some.

Nathan showed up five minutes later, looking a bit rushed. "Sorry, Y/N, I couldn't find my roller skates but I'm here now." His face was flushed as he explained his tardiness. He knew she wouldn't mind but he didn't mean to keep her waiting.

"You're cool", Y/N grinned. "Want some ice cream? It's pretty hot today and we should probably eat something before starting."

Nathan agreed and so, he and Y/N walked up to André's ice cream cart to order. A couple had just received their ice cream and by the look of their happy grins, they received good news along with their ice cream. "Hey, André", Nathan and Y/N greeted.

"Oh, hello friends!" André greeted them both with his trademark smile. "Welcome!" His eyes lit up as he saw Y/N and Nathaniel again. "You two again! How lovely it is to see you, my friends." His mind was already thinking of the different ice cream flavor combinations for them. "What will you two have?"

Y/N looked at the extensive menu but Nathaniel didn't bother. "I trust you, André", Nathan told the jolly ice cream vendor. "What would you like, Y/N?" The redhead turned to face his friend. "I'm not really sure but I trust you, André."

André's sweet heart soared as he thought of the endless possibilities for this young couple. After a couple minutes, André presented them with two delicious cones of ice cream. "For the young gentleman, I present a very special blend of E/C and H/C. You'll find that like your one true love, this delicacy is nothing but sweet."

Nathan had to admit that the ice cream looked delicious and it tasted just as well. He was too hooked on the taste that he hadn't expected one of André's soulmate speeches. He glanced at his ice cream and then at André as he passed Y/N her ice cream.

"For the lovely lady, I present a merging of red and blue." One scoop was bright red- a red Y/N didn't know ice cream could be. The other scoop was a soft blue- heavenly and welcoming. "Two very different colors but a good match for you. The passionate red is just that- passion and excitement. The blue evens out the strength of the red with the subtle sweetness."

Nathan's flushed face turned a deeper shade of red as he saw her ice cream cone. He paid for their ice cream and tipped before waving André goodbye. "Thanks, André!" He would've taken Y/N by the hand but he was too busy eating the rest of his ice cream in an effort to subdue his blush.

"Anytime, my dear lovebirds!" André chirped happily before attending another couple.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Y/N giggled. "Did you hear that? He called us lovebirds. He probably thinks we're dating." She tried some of her ice cream and delighted in its flavor. "He's really good. He described this ice cream perfectly." She skated behind her flustered friend. "What about you? How do you like your ice cream?"

"It's the best I've had." Nathan admitted. "Yeah, tons of people go to his ice cream cart to see if his ice cream binds them as soulmates but I don't think that wasn't our intention." He finally calmed down and gave her a calm smile. "I'm glad you like your ice cream." He offered her hand before skating inside.

Y/N took his hand and finished her ice cream. They mutually decided to let some time pass after they've eaten so they took a seat at one of the booths. Nathan had brought his art satchel with him so he busied himself with that. Meanwhile, Y/N just swayed to the music that played on the speakers. With quick, subtle glances, Nathan began sketching his friend.

Once enough time had passed, Y/N lead Nathan to the main rink. They saw some people skate along. Others skated with friends or family while the majority skated with their significant others. "Hey, Nathan?", Y/N asked.

"Yeah?", Nathan looked at her.

"Would it be weird if we held hands?" Y/N felt kind of silly.

"I don't see why it'd be weird. We've held hands before." Nathan shrugged and held her hand gently, swinging it back and forth.

Y/N smiled. "Hey, Nathan", she said softly.

Nathan looked at her, a nonchalant smile on his face. "What's up, Y/N?"

Y/N kissed his cheek quickly. "Don't think I didn't see your red face earlier, Nath". She giggled.

It was inevitable but Nathan's face turned red once again but he wasn't one to get made fun of. He kissed Y/N's cheek but his lips lingered on her cheek. "Gee, I wondered why people think we're dating." He laughed and skated away from her.

Y/N was left stunned, but only briefly before she skated after him. "That's not fair, Nathan!"

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