Chapter 1

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After quite some time, I finally manage to move on my own. Putting down the boxes on the floor of my new house, I sighed with amusement.

It finally paid off. I said to myself.

I looked around and smiled like tears will fall down soon. It was a wonderful feeling that after the hardships I went through, that sometimes I almost feel like giving up, everything ended up a little better.

My life was never a good story to tell. And I am no princess of this story.

Looking back, I felt like hot tears are already rolling down my cheeks. Not because of sadness, but because I feel very happy and relieved.

I remembered how life fucks and sucks from a very young age.

I was 10 when I realized that I was an adopted child. That I was abandoned and I am not living with my real parents. In fact, not a minute they made me feel like I belong. Every moment is hell. My adopted-mother and father hated me so much that they never want to see me or even eat with me during meals. They always leave dollars on my bedroom door for me to buy what I need and want. Which is an advantage for me. They are not always at home so instead of buying food from the money they leave, I played smart and saved it. But it is hell when they are at home. I always felt like I just want to disappear and pop like a bubble. They treat me like a slave. Doing what ever they want and what please them, always. They'll hurt me if they are not happy on how I follow their orders. Looking at my wrist, was a scar from a glass jar that my mother have thrown over me while I was cleaning the pool of beer my father have slipped during their arguments. They always fight like cats and dogs and I am the only one whom they'll vent out all their anger with each other.

So when I was 13, my savings have been more than enough for me that I decided to runaway from the hell I am living. I have packed just enough things and food from the fridge while they are out, and then I got out.

Those years was hell as ever where I even sleep on the corridor of church or sometimes if I get to sneak inside, I sleep on the chairs of the church. During day time, since I still cannot find a job due to my age, I spent all of my time schooling myself on the huge public library in town. I stayed there from opening to closing hours, and sometimes I get to sleep there. But time never stayed that way. There are these time that I stay out in the cold, laying down under a lone street light with nothing to eat. I got robbed, and all that was left for me was just myself.

The bad times started and I met a lot of bad man, very bad things on the street. I get used to every crime that I have encountered as my life turns out like a shity story.

Then I was 15, I learned to earn for myself. I saved up and got my self a certificate-like-highschool diploma from annual college exams since I've learned a lot of things from studying on my own. I also managed to buy me a laptop from government allowances where I have started to build my dreams.

I was sixteen and my business rose up online that I get to save up more and now, I am 17 turning 18 in the next few months.

With my hard work I managed to pay half of this house and get myself a stable job at home.

You are beautiful, aren't you?

Looking around the house after I have finished the decoration.

Everything is set up and the sun is already gone.

After cleaning everything, even myself, I ran outside to buy me something to eat.

Locking the doors, I went to the nearest convenient store which is like more than a kilometer away from my house.

Nobody knows me and is interested to know my life besides the old lady sitting infront of the convenience store.

"What a nice smile for me Erin!" The old lady waved as I smiled before I enter the store.

"You have a good night madam Wilma."

I walked alone on an empty street with a few cars running. Lights are up on the alley but no one is out tonight.

Did I missed something on the news? I asked myself and looked at my watch to see that it was past 12 midnight.

Oh my, did I over worked again?

I continued walking until I heard something behind me.

I felt something weird that sends chill to my spine.

A wind blew past infront of me, that makes me run for my life.

I know it was them.

I kept on running but someone stood on my way just a few blocks away from home, with glowing red eyes. That made me turn to a corner but it was a bad idea.

I found myself surrounded by them.

Glowing red eyes and sharp fangs on their mouth.

Atleast 3 of them surrounds me.

I couldn't scream because of a feeling that no one will hear me then.

My voice just couldn't get out.

They move closer until a van arrives.

"Move and let me talk to the young lady."

A man walked past them and went towards me.

He also have those fangs but his eyes were different.

It was a shiny purple.

"Now, what do we have here?" He asked examining my whole entity.

"I, I am nothing bloodsuckers! You wouldn't want my blood so just let me go!"

My voice is cracking that made him laugh.

Shit. I know where this is going.


"Young lady, you are very wrong. Everybody wants your blood and can smell you like you are attracting all of us." He smiled like a demon from the movies.

"Just let me go bloodsucker!" I shouted with all of my voice.

I know I am no match for these creatures, and all I can do is to show them that I am not afraid, even though my knees are shaking.

"You are brave and a special one young lady, so sleep."

I was looking for a way to escape but after his last words, after I looked into his eyes, I felt heavy. My sight blurred out and all I can see for the last time are their glowing red eyes.

"She will be the best gift that we can give to Calvin."

With my sight getting blurred, slowly my eyes closed.

Is this how it'll end? I just started to live my life.

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