Connor X Reader || Trainer to Lover

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Connor is my favorite, so why not start with him? 😂💖

Also, sorry if it's too short, I tried! 😣


Tall trees and shimmering grass were a vibrant green, with delicate flowers blooming all about the land. It was apparent that spring had arrived a few weeks prior, and brought all its colors and fresh splendors with it. The bright sun had only risen part way, but it's beaming rays shined down on two men who were out on a walk.

Connor had been training with Achilles for a while now, even going as far as possessing a new name, but he still had yet to meet the other assassin that Achilles had taught. You.

The pair were walking when all of a sudden the older man stopped, turning to face the young Native.

"Now, you've learned a lot from me in this short period of time, but I think it's best if you learn from someone closer to your age" Achilles began, leaning on his cane "I think it's time you meet (Y/n)"

"Who?" Connor squinted his eyes in a curious manner, having not heard this name before

"She's one of the only assassins currently in the colonies" Achilles explained, letting Ratonhnhaké:ton take it all in "She's the daughter of a late friend of mine; her father was an amazing assassin who perished at the hands of someone we used to call brother"

The old man spoke bitterly as he reminisced the past, making Connor tense up, unsure of how to respond to this new information. A light breeze came through, slightly tussling the Native's deep brown locks, but having been used to be in nature, it didn't bother him. Instead, he stood silently. Sensing his discomfort, Achilles changed the subject.

"Anyways, she'll be the one training you today, not me" He spoke sternly, as though there were no other options, before starting to hobble back to the worn down manor.

Having not been told where to meet this mysterious girl, Connor turned back towards the direction of Achilles. The young man reached out his hand slightly, as if trying to halt Achilles' movement towards the house, and called out.


Achilles turned ever so slightly, the look of having been annoyed by this delay present upon his physiognomy, and prompted Connor to finish what he had started to say.

"Where can I find her?"

"Go to the frontier; she should be preparing for your arrival. If you don't find her, she will most definitely find you"


Achilles was right.

Connor walked below the canopy of the trees, enjoying the shade from the scorching sun when all of a sudden a figure leaped from the trees and landed on his back, knocking him down. After the weight was lifted, he rolled over, only to be met with the gaze of beautiful (e/c) eyes.

"If you ever want to be an assassin, it's important to always be aware. You must be able to detect your enemy from anywhere without them having to reveal themselves" You spoke, dusting off your outfit before outstretching a hand to Connor in order to help him up

Once he was on his feet, you broke the silence again, "You must be Connor, right?"

"Yes, that would be me" He responded, stoically as usual "So, you're (Y/n)?"

"Yup! That would be me" Giving an exaggerated bow, you put your arms spread out in presentation "In the flesh! Pleasure to make your acquaintance"

The Native cracked a small smile, unable to help it with your amusing personality. Little did you know, that was quite the achievement you made. Connor isn't exactly known for his expressive emotions.

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