Dating Haytham Kenway would include...

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•originally just being good friends

•living in London

•when he moved to the colonies

•you guys frequently exchanged letters back in forth

•until you decided to move to the colonies as well

•a few years after him

•him being shocked to see you

•you realizing you didn't have any where to live there

•him offering you to stay with him

•then reprimanding you for your lack of planning ahead

•but secretly he didn't mind

•and was happy you moved all that way to see him again

•you being jealous of Ziio

•so you tried to make him jealous

•by getting closer to Charles Lee

•who was in on it

•actually being decent friends with Lee

•and the other Templars

•a few months after Ziio and Haytham's relationship collapsed

•you and him became a couple

•only going on the fanciest of dates

•Shay becoming your best friend

•Haytham treating you like a queen

•sometimes you steal his cloak

•because his smell is comforting

•him finding it charming that you would do that

•but also upset because he seemingly can't live without it

•he can be stern with you sometimes

•but you know he means well and loves you

•you being upset when you find out about Connor

•but getting over it quickly

•Connor actually kind of likes you

•but is still really reserved and dislikes his father

•Haytham rarely gets jealous

•he knows you can handle yourself

•him loving you

•you can see it in his gaze

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