Desmond Miles || How Deep is Your Love

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Just a cute, short and sweet one shot for Desmond <3

I'd recommend playing the song btw since it goes with the story 🤗


You nervously fiddled with your engagement ring while Rebecca secured your veil. You weren't nervous if you were making the right choice, in fact you were 100% sure that marrying Desmond was the right decision. He was the only person you could see yourself with. No, you were just anxious that something would go wrong. You, like any bride, wanted it to be perfect.

"Done!" Rebecca excitedly announced before helping you stand. Her grin expanded once she saw you fully, "You are gorgeous!"

You blushed at her compliment and glanced down at your hands. Rebecca then clasped your hands within her own.

She was so happy for you.

You were her best friend so it was only reasonable for her to be your maid of honor. Smiling, you look up and giggle at her; you had never seen her this excited before. A loud knock resonated throughout the room, catching both of your guys' attention.

Rebecca went over to the door and creaked it open slightly. She peaked through the small crack to make sure it wasn't Desmond trying to get a sneak peak at you. Once she confirmed it wasn't, she opened the door, allowing Shaun to walk in. Since your parents died when you were little, Shaun was not only going to be Desmond's best man, but he was also going to be the one to walk down the aisle with you and give you away.

"Guess who" He spoke, sarcasm laced within his voice as usual, but when he saw you, that all changed and a grin broke out. He walked over and hugged you, careful to not mess up your outfit. Shaun had always been like a brother to you. The two of you would always tease each other but you knew you'd always have the other's back. "You look amazing"

"Thank you" You spoke quietly, still in disbelief that this was actually happening. Rebecca smiled at you once more before she made her way out the door. You could hear the musical procession begin so you figured she left on her cue.

"You ready?"

You gave a short nod, a small smile present on your face as you hooked your arms through Shaun's. The two of you made your way towards the closed doors that would lead into the main room where everyone was at. Despite it being a small wedding with only close and trusted people in attendance, you couldn't help but feel nervous that you would make a fool out of yourself, "Shaun, don't let me fall"

The Brit gave out a small chuckle before reassuring you that he wouldn't when the doors opened, revealing everyone's expectant face turned towards you. However, as you and Shaun walked out, you paid no heed to them. There was only one person that held your undivided attention.

Desmond and you had been childhood friends until you lost contact with each other. The two of you hadn't seen each other in years when all of a sudden you guys were reunited after he escaped from Abstergo. You were with him through thick and thin after that, always at his side. After having finally been reunited, it made both of you realize how you never wanted to be separated from the other ever again, and thus, your relationship blossomed.

As soon as you stepped through those doors, you and Desmond immediately locked eyes with each other. You couldn't help the smile that grew on your face nor the tears that welled up within your eyes as you were filled with immense joy. You had to stifle a laugh though because it was obvious that Desmond was in the same boat as you.

The state of euphoria continued as next thing you knew, you were standing with Desmond, Rebecca at your side, and Shaun had gone and stood at his friend's side.

"You look beautiful" Desmond whispered causing you to blush deeply. Despite having been together for quite some time, and knowing each other even longer, he would never fail to make you flustered. The priest went on, going through his recited words, but your only focus was on your future husband. Even as the two of you spoke your vows, it felt as though it was just you two in the room.

"Do you, (Y/n) (L/n), take Desmond Miles to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, through sickness and through health, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part?"

"I do" You smiled, no hesitation at all present

"Do you, Desmond Miles, take (Y/n) (L/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, through sickness and through health, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part?"

"I do" Desmond repeated, still holding your hands throughout it all

"Then with the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride"

Desmond moved his hands from yours to instead place them on your waist, pulling you closer. You took your arms and wrapped them around his neck. Desmond then dipped you back slightly as your lips connected and cheers erupted. Both of you smiled into the kiss, completely ecstatic that this day was finally here. After that it was all a blur, from cutting the cake to the toasts to throwing the bouquet, it was all perfect but went by so fast. That is, until it was your and Desmond's first dance together. That's when everything slowed down again and felt like it was just you and your husband.

You had your arms hooked around his neck and his were wrapped around your waist. You leaned against his broad chest, swaying together as How Deep Is Your Love by The Bee Gees played in the background. Some people might say it's an odd choice, but the two of you could care less. You thought it was perfect.

You gazed up at him lovingly, still in awe that you could officially call this man your husband. He looked down at you, with the same amount of love filling his beautiful eyes as well. The love you held for each other ran deep, deeper than anyone could possibly fathom.

"I love you"

"I love you too"


If and when I ever get married, I'd want either this song or Perfect by Ed Sheeran to be my wedding song. Both are just so beautiful!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

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