Connor X Charles Lee's Daughter! Reader || Hush

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Sorry it took me so long!! Request by TheSpottedCreature 💖💖


Although you loved your father, you didn't share many of his beliefs. For example, his Templar business. You weren't supposed to know about it, but you were his daughter so it was inevitable. In the beginning, it was fine. The two of you were fairly close given that your mother died during childbirth so all you had was each other. But the more he got involved with the Order, the further you two drifted apart. He became less interested in your personal life as you got older. You doubt he even knows what your favorite color is now or your views on certain subjects, or anything like that. It's simply as though he doesn't know you anymore.

Personally, you took a much more patriotic view than your father, you believed that America should gain its freedom and continue to enjoy that freedom for its entirety (whoops my constitutionalist views are being exposed ha). However, his templar doings had nothing to do with you so you could ignore that. What you could not ignore was his wish for you to essentially be 'bought' for your hand in marriage. That, you couldn't stand.

As a child you had always dreamed of meeting someone and falling in love. Then you would get married and live happily. But it seemed that was going to be stripped away from you. Ever since you hit 18 your father had been hinting at how you should get married, but you always shrugged it off. Now that you were 20, he had gotten more antsy about when you were going to find a husband, and was much more straightforward with his concerns. As soon as he told you of his plans you stormed out of the house, heading towards the outskirts of Boston to clear your mind. You couldn't believe that he would do that to you.

As you walked, you were so wrapped within your own thoughts that you didn't even take notice of the stampede of redcoats coming your way. Thankfully, someone else did.

Someone forcefully grabbed your arm and yanked you off the road. You were about to reprimand the person for grabbing you like that but the sounds of many horse hooves hitting the ground made you realize what actually happened. This person just saved your life.

You looked at your savior, completely bewildered. Given his sturdy build, it was definitely a man. Despite a hood covering the majority of his face, you could tell that he was at least part native. Not that you cared about that, it didn't change the fact that he was undeniably handsome. He also towered over you, which was somewhat intimidating but that didn't stop you from thanking him.

The man simply brushed off your words of gratitude, "You should pay more attention to your surroundings"

"Yes, I realize that now" You agreed, your voice soft. Normally, you would be slightly offended at his comment but this time you couldn't even deny your mistake. It could've costed you your life. But in all honesty, you would rather not live than be forced to marry someone you don't love.

"What took so much of your attention that you couldn't hear them coming?" He asked, not at all caring that you two are still practically strangers

"I'm sorry, I don't even know your name" You retorted. You weren't about to tell this man your personal thoughts. He may have saved you but you still didn't know him. He gave out a small huff but you could tell that he understood where you were coming from.

"Connor" He stated simply, sliding his hood off his head. Without it he was considerably more handsome. His chocolate locks and eyes complimented his tanned skin well. Given his complexion and the beads in his hair, you figured that 'Connor' wasn't his actual name.

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