Shay X Reader || Cold Nights

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Hope you guys enjoy this (super) short and sweet Shay chapter :)


Standing on the wooden deck of the Morrigan, a light breeze sent chills throughout your bones. Unlike most who would retreat below deck where it was warmer, you merely wrapped your shawl tighter against your frame. It was just so beautiful and calming out at night, despite its coldness. Moonlight reflected off of the royal blue waters as the sounds of waves harshly splashed against the hull of the ship.

Suddenly something heavy, but warm, was draped across your shoulders. Looking down at it you realized it was your lover's coat. You turned slightly to your side and saw Shay standing by you with one hand resting on the gunwales.

"You looked cold, love" He smiled at you, prompting you to return the gesture. He strode closer and took his place behind you. Giving you a back hug, he rested his head on your shoulder and nuzzled his nose into your neck, breathing in your wonderful scent that was mixed with the salty air. His hot breath against your cool skin sent shivers throughout your body as he spoke, "What are you doing out here, love?"

"Just thinking" You shrugged, unsure of the answer yourself. In all honesty you couldn't sleep and thought some fresh might do you some good. Being out at sea for so long made you restless. You would never tell Shay that though; you didn't want to make him feel guilty for taking you with him. He shouldn't anyways though because it was your decision to join him. You couldn't bare to be left alone for who knows how long.

Shay nodded his head in understanding, after all, he would come up on deck to do the same thing, "How about we both go back to bed? We should be reaching the colonies here in the next few days"

You hummed in agreement and let him lead you below deck. For the past years the two of you had been sailing, looking for a specific object for Haytham. The precursor box. While you weren't an official Templar yourself, you knew everything about their cause, ideals and objectives since you were rather an entrusted informant for them. Now that you had found it, in Paris of all places, you guys were making your way back to the colonies for a bit to let the Grandmaster know. That said, you were told to not lengthen your stay there because apparently the assassins were gaining strength again and the last thing he wanted was for the assassins to get their hands on that box.

However, that was a matter for a later time.

Right now, you were preoccupied with relishing in the warmth that Shay provided as the two of you laid in your shared bed. The two of you were in a spooning position since that's what he liked best because, according to him, it made him feel like he was protecting you, which, in turn, made it easier for him to sleep at night. You wouldn't disagree though, you did feel safest when you were in his arms.

With that thought, you drifted into sleep, letting dreams take over your tired mind.


Sorry that it's short, I just wanted to update I fluffy chapter 🤗

Anyways I was thinking of doing a Question Of The Day each chapter. How would that sound?

First up!

QOTD: Who are your favorite Assassin's Creed characters?

AOTD: Mine are Connor, Jacob and Shay 💖

Comment below and let me know!

Man, that rhyme tho 😂😂

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed!

Don't forget to vote~

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