Dating Edward Kenway would include...

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•you were also a pirate and assassin

•so it wasn't a surprise you met Edward

•the two of you hit it off really well

•always cracking jokes

•you loved hugging him

•because he always smelt like the salty sea

•you were best friends with Anne Bonny

•and James Kidd

•but you knew his real identity

•Edward Thatch, or Blackbeard, was like a father figure to you

•you guys would drink rum together

•which never ended well

•since both of you would do crazy stuff

•beach dates were common

•especially if you guys were exploring a deserted island

•while docked and the crew was having a fun night out

•you and Edward would sometimes stay on the Jackdaw

•and have a date night there

•Jenny loves you

•thinks of you as a mother

•Edward and you would go on missions together

•but mainly so you could keep him on track

•you loved running your hands through Edward's sandy blonde locks

•but his hair was always so tangled

•Edward tended to be a bit possessive

•but he wasn't overbearing

•given his naturally relaxed character

•Adéwalé thought you guys were perfect for each other

•but would often not understand your two's antics

•Edward had no problem with PDA

•he loved showing you off

•always had an arm slung over your shoulder

•and when he was tipsy or drunk

•it became more prominent

•he loved you a lot though

•and always feared he lose you

•but he'd never tell you that

•he couldn't damage his tough image

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