Edward X Reader (Soulmate AU) || A Pain to Find a Love

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An awesome request by TheSpottedCreature

Hope you like it!!! 💖💖

Soulmate AU: They feel each other's pain


Pain. It was something you constantly lived with, whether it was your own or your soulmates.

You were a fairly clumsy person, so small scratches and bruises weren't uncommon to find. You did feel guilty though, thinking that these small pains were probably inconvenient for your soulmate. However, that guilt would transform into worry whenever you suddenly felt a searing pain similar to that of a bullet piercing your leg or a sword slashing your shoulder. Either way, you knew whatever your soulmate did on a regular basis was dangerous. You just hoped he was okay and that the pain he received from you wasn't too bothersome. Fortunately, emotional pain couldn't be felt by your soulmate.

When you didn't find your soulmate quick enough to your parents liking, they married you off to an older, but rich, man named Gavin. His soulmate had passed due to illness a few years prior to your arranged engagement, so it was a safe bet. A safe bet for them perhaps, but not you. Everyday you had to put up with verbal abuse that would constantly tear you down. Your husband, for some reason, found joy in calling you names and battering your mental health. Luckily for your soulmate, he never physically harmed you. He claimed to wish to keep your youthful beauty intact, however you knew he had his own selfish desires behind it. It wasn't your 'perfect skin', as he called it, that he wanted to keep intact; it was his image. If his other high social status friends saw abuse marks on you, they would surely think less of him and probably drop him out of their 'secret society'. Or at least that's what you called it, Gavin never told you what he did, but you never cared to ask.

Currently, you were in your kitchen beginning to make the stew that you would have for supper that night. As you worked, the morning sun that was pouring through the window gave you a sense of comfort. It made the large house seem more homely. While other women would be jealous of the luxury you got to live in, you hated it. It always felt to cold and empty, it certainly didn't help that your husband usually left you alone in it. You much rather live in a small hut with your soulmate and have to work day and night to provide than have to spend another day in your lonely house.

The sound of the door opening permeated your thoughts and your heart dropped as you knew what it meant. Your husband was home.

You elected to pretend you didn't hear him and focused on cooking instead.

"Wow, can't even greet your husband who's just returned from a long journey?" You didn't even have to see him to know that he was sneering, his words gave it away.

"I'm sorry... I was cooking" You spoke softly, not wanting to anger him further. It was at times like these where you wished you had more confidence, so you could stand up for yourself.

"Probably something dreadful" Gavin scoffed as he sat down at the table, observing your every move. Now feeling incredibly self conscious, you began paying more attention to what you were doing. As you grabbed the pot of water that had been boiling, in your haste to do everything right, some of the water splashed onto your left hand, scalding your skin. You hissed in pain, quickly setting the pot down so you could inspect your wound. Your husband just laughed at your pain, saying "Can't do anything right, can you?"

He then sauntered out of the room, still laughing while tears welled up in your eyes.


"We should reach the island just before nightfall" Adéwalé said as he stood by Edward's side at the helm of the ship. They were heading to an island in the Caribbean, but not for treasure. They were going to kill a high ranking Templar, who's house was said to be on this island. Normally, Edward wouldn't be this set on killing a single person, but this particular man had been annoying Edward beyond belief. He was one of the main men who wished to see the end of Nassau, someone who wanted to use the island for his own selfish purposes.

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