Jacob X Wife! Reader || A New Chapter

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I love Jacob so I wanted to write some fluff for him!!~


"Jacob, you're not aiming high enough"

"Oh, and how is that?"

"Starrick has influence in every branch of society"

"Ohh I see what you're saying, my dear sister. We need the Rooks!"

"You are not starting a gang called 'the rooks'!"

As the two keep bickering, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning slightly, you saw Henry Green standing right beside you. His eyes flickered between the twins, unsure of whether to intervene or not. Quietly, he asked you, "Do they do this often?"

You shrugged. After knowing the pair for a while now, you were used to them always squabbling. In fact, you were so used to it that you didn't even notice it half the time. You, more often that not, would have to act as the mediator between the two. What that actually meant though was that you were the one to calm Jacob down since usually you agreed with Evie. However, that was not the case this time. You thought Jacob's idea, as stupid as it may seem, could quite possibly work.

"(Y/n)!" You were pulled from your thoughts when your name was exclaimed from the older twin's lips, "Tell your husband that his idea is absolute madness!"

Jacob furrowed his eyebrows in disbelief at his sister, rolling his eyes before turning to you with a look of hopefulness.

"Well..." You drifted off, not used to disagreeing with Evie "I actually think his idea could work"

Now it was Evie's turn to scoff in disbelief while Jacob, on the other hand, gave out a cheerful 'yes!' and pulled you into his side, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

"Evie, just think about it! If we had a gang backing us up, not only would we have more help but it would also give more ears throughout the city, which then, in turn, means more information. It could only prove beneficial" You coaxed softly, not wanting to anger her further but also trying to get her to understand.

She huffed again, staying silent for a moment as she thought about it. Standing up, she made her way to the door, but before she exited, she said, "Fine. Just don't be stupid"

With that, she left. Henry followed after her while Jacob pulled you into a real hug as he cheered at his triumph.

"May I ask why you took my side though, love?" He asked, pulling away from you slightly that way he could see your face yet still have you wrapped in his arms

"What? I can't just agree with my handsome husband?" You teased, resting your hands on his chest

"No, you can't. You always are on Evie's side, so what were your motives?" He teased back, playfully pointing at you

"Nope, no motives" You shook your head, raising your hands in mock surrender, causing him to arch an eyebrow "I simply agreed with your idea, I believe it will prove useful"

"Wow, first time for everything huh?" He chuckled, pulling you back into his embrace, tucking your head under his chin. You guys stood there in silence for a few minutes, enjoying each other's presence before he spoke again, this time softer "I had a dream last night, you know"

Normally you'd be sarcastic, but you didn't want to disrupt the moment so you only hummed in response.

"You were in it. So was I. We were together at a park and..." He drifted off so you looked up at him, waiting for him to continue. He peered back down at you, his features soft "(Y/n), we had a kid"

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