Dating Callum Lynch would include...

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•he would get nightmares often

•usually about his mom and dad

•you would always help him through them

•you were present at his execution

•a crying mess because you thought you'd never get to see him again

•he found out that Abstergo was also trying to catch you

•because you were one of the few modern day assassins but tended to stay out of most of the assassin life

•so Callum had no idea

•but Abstergo was also after you because you were a descendant of Jacob and Evie Frye

•when Abstergo told Cal that after it was all done he could have a new life

•he said you'd have to be in it

•which they were less than happy about

•they tried to get your whereabouts out of him but he refused

•Callum found you after him and the other assassins broke free from Abstergo

•you couldn't believe that he was still alive

•you about fell to the floor as your legs gave up on you

•but he caught you and sat on the couch with you as you cried in disbelief

•he comforted you and reassured you that he was there

•he told you everything

•and you told him what you knew

•you joined him and the rest of the assassin's in working to bring down Abstergo

•after witnessing what they could do

•you two were more than happy now that you guys were back together

•he became more affectionate after the whole ordeal because he didn't want to lose you again

•but he still wasn't crazy for PDA

•given that he was a bit more reserved

•you often told him how much you loved him

•he'd always smile

•and say it back to you

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