Dating Shay Patrick Cormac would include...

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•you were dating him when he was an assassin

•since you had been one yourself

•at the time

•you were really close with Hope

•and Liam was like a brother to you

•Kesegowaase often told you stories of his people

•which you found interesting

•you never really got along with Chevalier though

•Shay and you would always go on walks around the homestead

•you loved his Irish accent

•you went with him to Lisbon

•you agreed with him on leaving the brotherhood

•except you didn't get shot off the cliff like he did

•you did, however, jump in after him

•which you regretted

•because the shock of hitting the cold water caused you to pass out

•Monro took you out of the water as well

•and dropped both of you into the care of Cassidy and Barry Finnegan

•you also joined the Templars with him

•you became good friends with Gist

•Shay would occasionally get jealous

•but he remembered that you only had eyes for him

•which made him feel proud

•date nights on the Morrigan

•Shay would personally go up to Haytham and request time off

•when it was your birthday

•or any other special event

•like your guys' anniversary

•Haytham would reluctantly agree

•whenever you got cold

•Shay would pull you into his side

•in order to warm you up

•he was okay with PDA

•but he didn't over do it

•Gist would tease how smitten the both of you were for each other

•you always stayed by his side

•which he was undoubtedly grateful for

•he'd never let you forget how much you meant to him

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