Dating Desmond Miles would include...

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•you guys met at Bad Weather

•you were secretly an assassin

•not that he knew

•you weren't there for a mission though

•it was your friend's birthday

•you were the designated driver

•but she found some random dude

•and ditched you

•so you sat alone at the bar

•until Desmond struck up a conversation with you

•you guys talked for a while

•and got to know each other

•of course you didn't tell him you were an assassin and knew his father

•but when he found out

•he was pissed

•he got over it though

•because he loved you

•you guys would play video games

•sometimes he would let you win

•just because he liked seeing you happy

•Rebecca was your best friend

•Shaun and you could never get along

•having a sibling-like rivalry

•but you guys knew that you'd always have each other's back

•Lucy was iffy

•sometimes the two of you got along just fine

•other times you hated her

•she would always do stuff with Desmond

•just to get a rise out of you

•William and you respected each other

•but that was about it

•you guys always disagreed

•whenever Desmond needed comfort

•he'd always seek you out

•and vice versa

•when he was in a coma

•you were by his side the whole time

•holding his hand

•he always wanted to protect you from Abstergo

•he wasn't opposed to PDA

•but he also wasn't crazy for the idea

•he would hold your hand in public though

•when he was taking a break from the Animus

•you guys would walk around the city (or cave) you were in together

•occasionally you'd steal one of his shirts

•one time he found you sleeping in one

•his heart about couldn't handle all the love he held for you

•he'd always tell you how much he loved you

•and that he would always be there for you :(

Fun fact I cried while writing this

But it was out of fruSTRATION





My phone never saved it

So I kept accidentally scrolling up too far, and it woULD DELETE ALL OF MY PROGRESS


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