A/N + Preference

627 21 13

Uh... hi

I'm sorry for not updating in a while!!

Ready for my lame excuses? School. Stupid school. Between junior year of high school already being considered one of the hardest years, and all this online stuff, I'm struggling to keep up with everything. It doesn't help that I'm also taking 4 college classes on top of that. So I've been swamped with homework

Either way! I didn't come here to rant to you guys about my life lol, I came to tell you what exactly my plan is for this book


We should be having a break here soon, so I'll try to get out a few chapters during then.

My priority will be the requests, don't worry, I haven't forgotten you guys 🥰

Either way, since I feel bad for not having updated in a while, enjoy this little preference!!!

Love you guys 💖


Where they like to kiss you

Altaïr: Lips - He's a very straightforward person so I think that would apply to kissing as well; he'd want to get straight to the point. That, and he just loves the feeling of your lips against his.

Ezio: Hands - He's a hopeless romantic and would want to treat you like a princess, so he would love kissing your hands to show just how important you are to him. He loves how it makes him feel like a true gentleman when it comes to you.

Connor: Top of your head - He is quite a bit taller than you (or maybe that's just me—) so it's easy for him to kiss the top your head. He usually does this when you two are cuddling or simply hugging. It makes him feel like he's your protector, which he loves.

Edward: Forehead - He's not too much taller than you (not for me—) so it's the perfect height to casually kiss whenever he wants to, which is quite often. Although he would like to be seen as more of a manly man, which he is in many regards, you make him soft.

Shay: Nose - He thinks it's adorable how your face scrunches up whenever he gives your nose a quick kiss so it's definitely his favorite place to kiss you. He's also a bit more playful than some of the others so it would also be apparent in your relationship.

Arno: Cheeks - Like Ezio, he sees you as his princess and loves treating you like one. He also thinks of you as a flower and wants to show his gentle and sweet side to only you. He's also French so—

Jacob: Neck - He loves making you blush and kissing you on your neck does just that. He usually does this if he's giving you a back hug or just came up behind you. It also allows him the opportunity to whisper in your ear, which he also enjoys because that too makes you flustered.

Alexios: Collar bone - He's less romantic than the others but he enjoys kissing your collar bone because it makes him feel closer to you. He can also hear your heartbeat, which usually increases when he's around because you love him so much.

Desmond: Temple - He loves giving you side hugs so that puts him at the perfect angle to give you kisses on your temple. Even if you guys are in a rush, he'll always pull you into his side and quickly press his lips to the side of your head.

Callum: Everywhere - He doesn't care where he kisses you, just as long as he does. After his near death experience he wants to keep you as close as possible to show he'll never leave you and make sure you understand how much he loves you.

I hope that was alright...


QOTD: Are you guys excited for Valhalla?

AOTD: I am!!

Love you guys 💖🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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