Altaïr X Reader || You're Safe Now PART II

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juviaheartattack1 requested a part 2, so here you go!!! Hope you like it! 💖

Sorry it took me literally like two years to do it, I just got busy with finishing up the last of my school stuff. I hate doing school online but oh well, at least it's officially summer now so I can get back to writing!

Hope you enjoy it!!!~ 💖



It had been a few months since Altaïr took you in. During that time you came to learn more about the assassins and templars, what they were and what they stood for. After your wound healed, those who weren't Altaïr began to dislike the fact you were being sheltered without having to do anything. Which is how you got the job of doing what was essentially their dirty work. You would be the one to do the simple tasks that the other assassins were too busy to do. Such as going to the market, doing laundry, mending clothes, and many other minimal jobs. Altaïr felt bad that you had to do basically the same work that you did when you were a slave, but you didn't mind. You were just glad to be able to help out and repay them for their kindness. Not only that but they treated you much better than what you experienced as a slave. They provided you with your own room (which happened to be near Altaïr's), food, and you even got paid a little. In addition to doing their errands, you also tried to pick up any useful information  you could when you were out. If there were Templars conversing in the marketplace, you would eavesdrop on them and report back what they said to the assassins. You became a sort of unofficial spy.

At the same time, you were growing closer to Altaïr, which you didn't think much of since he was the one who rescued you. However, conversing with other assassins at the bureau told you otherwise. They would always mention how amazing it was that Altaïr would actually willingly spend time with you and that he would constantly check up on you and make sure you were alright. Malik even pointed out that the stoic assassin seemed content when in your presence. Hearing all of this warmed your heart as you felt fondly for the assassin. At first, you thought it was just out of gratitude, after all, he did save you. But as time went on, you realized it was more than just that. You always tried to brush your feelings off, believing that he would never feel the same.

Little did you know, he actually did feel the same. Ever since the day he saved you, he held a soft spot for you. He would feel the need to protect you and make sure you were happy. In the beginning, he didn't know what to make of these feelings, but after talking with Malik, he realized he cared deeply for you. However, that only made him feel more nervous around you. Which was odd, Altaïr wasn't used to feeling nervous. But whenever you were around, his heart beat seemed to increased tenfold.

Both of you refused to admit your feelings to one another in fear of rejection. This only made Malik roll his eyes knowingly whenever you guys were in the same room because it was painfully obvious that you two were in love. Unfortunately, you guys would come to regret not confessing your feeling to each other sooner.

Currently, you were in your room, mending one of the other assassin's robes. A knock at the door interrupted your concentration. Keeping your focus on your needlework, you simply shout 'come in' allowing whoever it was to enter your room. They comply and open the door, stepping into your view.

"(Y/n)" Altaïr spoke in his usual tone, immediately getting your attention. You look up at him, prompting him to continue "Malik noticed we're running low on cloth, so he suggested that you should go and purchase some more"

"Any particular kind?"

Altaïr shook his head slightly "No, he trusts your judgment on what would be the best"

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