Dating Aguilar de Nerha would include...

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•he was very reserved

•so he doesn't open up a lot

•but he does to you

•because he knows he can trust you

•whenever your laying down together

•you always trace his tattoo

•whenever you guys kiss

•his beard would always tickle you

•but you don't mind

•you helped him and Maria escape their execution

•given that you were also an assassin

•Maria and you were fairly close

•you're one of the few who gets to see Aguilar's rare smile

•and you're usually the cause of it

•because he loves you

•even if he's not one to openly show it

•not a huge fan of PDA

•Aguilar prefers to keep that private

•just between the two of you

•behind closed doors he's actually really caring

•his lack of a finger doesn't bother you

•since you also lost your finger when being inducted into the brotherhood

•when you guys aren't busy

•or running away from Templars

•you would go on nighttime walks together around Spain

•you guys train together

•he doesn't go easy on you

•but only because he wants you to be the best you can

•he loves you and reminds you everyday

•whether it be verbally or through his actions

Phew! The 'dating them would include' series is finally over lol

Sorry that I didn't include Bayek, I just have no idea on how to write for him just yet

Now we'll go back to the regular one shots!!!

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