Ezio X Wife! Reader || Never Letting You Go

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I apologize if some of it is inaccurate or if he seems out of character, I have yet to play the games with him, but I will be doing that shortly with all this stupid (in my state it's stupid) lockdown stuff!~

Warnings: kidnapping, torture and the use of Google translate

Please tell me I'm not the only who loves it when guys speak in Italian? I just think it's so pretty and would love for someone to give me nicknames in Italian 😩💖


It shouldn't come as a great surprise that you had been kidnapped by the Borgias. If anything, you're shocked that it didn't happen sooner. You are the wife of an assassin, but not just any assassin. You are the wife of Ezio Auditore da Firenze, the assassin who has been a thorn in Templar's side for quite some time now.

You shivered in your stone cell, the chains restricting you tear further into your already blistered skin. A rat scurried it's way across your cell, sniffing at the water puddle that had been created by the poor roofing, and darted through it into its little hole. You weren't even fazed by this anymore, you had been stuck in that godforsaken dungeon for over a month now. Or at least you think that's how long it's been, you can't be so certain since you've had little to no access to the outside world.

Bruises, scratches, whip marks and burns littered your skin, which gripped tightly to your bones. Beatings and very little food were generously handed out to you daily, by Lucrezia and Cesare themselves.

As you sat there, your back pressed against the wall and your knees tucked into your chest in an attempt to gain just a little bit of warmth since your thin, and torn, white dress wasn't doing much, you recalled the day you were taken. It didn't help that you and Ezio had just been in a small argument.

"Ezio, mio caro (my dear), I don't understand why this upsets you so much!"

"Why? Why!? Because I don't think it's necessary for you to learn how to fight!"

"Why not?!"

"I'm the one who should protect you, (Y/n). You shouldn't have to do so yourself"

"I understand that, but I need to know how to in case something happens while you're on a mission"

"But look at you! Mio amore (my love), you've gotten yourself hurt trying to do this"

"That's part of the learning process!! Matteo (random name) was being nice and decided to help teach me!"

"Why didn't you come to me instead?! I wouldn't have seen you hurt"

"Mio dio (my god) Ezio! Because I knew you would react like this!"

You yelled back at your husband, despite being mere inches away from him. The two of you glared at each other for a few moments when he threw his arms up in frustration and stormed out. You huffed, clearly displeased with the result.

Normally you guys don't fight like this, in fact you guys were a very compatible couple. You loved each other dearly and would tease here and there, but always end up expressing your love for the other, whether it be with a surprise date or just a simple hug after a long day.

It's just poor Ezio was already less than happy that day because it was the anniversary of Giovanni, Petruccio and Federico's untimely deaths, so when he came home only to find you bandaging up your arm from a cut, it upset him further. Of course he questioned what happened, so you told him the truth, not wanting to hide anything, that you had been learning how to fight. You went to one of your friends, who was a part of the brotherhood, and asked him to teach you, and he agreed. As much as you loved Ezio, he could be a bit overprotective sometimes, and you knew if you had him train you, he'd go easy on you, give you special treatment and you wouldn't learn anything. That said, you hadn't expected him to react quite that explosively.

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