Dating Ratonhnhaké:ton 'Connor' Kenway would include...

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•gentle giant

•incredibly sweet to you

•you guys living in the manor

•Achilles often rolled his eyes at the two of you

•but secretly enjoyed the fact that the manor wasn't empty anymore

•he was also happy Connor found someone

•being friends with all of the homesteaders

•especially Myriam, Ellen and Prudence

•you'd join Myriam in hunting

•observe Ellen's tailoring, in hopes you could improve your skills

•and even babysit baby Hunter when Prudence and Warren wanted some alone time

•Connor helping you pronounce his real name, Ratonhnhaké:ton

•it taking you a while

•but he doesn't get frustrated

•he was actually really patient

•you being really happy when you finally get it right

•him smiling at your little victory dance

•him also attempting to teach you a bit of his native language

•it... doesn't go too well

•but you keep trying

•wanting to impress him

•going on walks together

•enjoying the nature and the presence of the other

•your small hand in his huge, paw-like one

•him taking you to Kanatahséton in Kanien'kehá:ka with him to meet his people

•you were really nervous

•but it ends up being fine

•Kanen'tó:kon kept teasing him though

• going on trips to Boston together occasionally

•where you'd sometimes see his father

•that's when Connor got protective

•you were a big supporter of the patriots

•you would make blankets and other simple items of clothing, along with other necessities, for Connor to take to the troops

•you even got to meet George Washington a couple of times

•in which he profusely expressed his gratitude for your, and Connor's, help

•Samuel Adams and Paul Revere would always tease you and Connor about when your relationship would progress

•you also got to meet Thomas Jefferson

•which, despite your dislike of slavery, was a man you admired (maybe that's just me being the history nerd I am, but Thomas Jefferson is definitely one of my idols [of course, not including the fact he had slaves] so I had to add him in)

Connor didn't get jealous often

•but when he did

•he didn't even know what the emotion was

•he loves you

•a lot

•and tells you a lot

•in his native language

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