Dating Jacob Frye would include...

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•you'd be an assassin from (your country)

•who moved to London

•when Henry contacted you

•you guys hit it off straight away

•you could actually put up with his crazy antics

•since you found them amusing

•which impressed Evie

•she thought Jacob was intolerable to everyone

•Jacob and you were the couple who was best friends as well as lovers

•you guys would joke around together a lot

•occasionally annoying Evie

•Evie actually liked you though

•and you two quickly became best friends

•sometimes you two would just sit together in one of the rooms on the train

•it would be really peaceful

•until Jacob barges in

•Evie and you also enjoyed when the two of you would sometimes teasingly gang up on Jacob

•which he didn't like as much as the two of did

•but it did make him happy seeing how well the two of you got along

•as much as he annoyed his twin

•he did love her

•he would take you around London

•showing you the city

•partially as a way to show off

•but mostly because he just wanted to spend time with you

•you would join him at the pub for a drink

•you usually tried not to get too drunk though

•because you wanted to see what a drunk Jacob looked like

•much to his dismay

•you'd also join him in the brawls

•he didn't want to see you hurt

•but you'd impress him greatly with your fighting skills

•if a blighter hurt you

•Jacob would be after them real quick

•he hated seeing you hurt

•he wanted to do everything he could to protect you

•as much as he jokes

•he's actually really caring

•sometimes you'd steal his hat

•just so he would have to run after you

•that sassy boy would say

•as good as it looked on you

•it looked better on him

•he loves you more than you'd ever be able to fathom

•he calls you 'love' more often that not

•easily jealous

•but you'd always reassure him

•that he was the only one for you

•to which he'd respond by giving you a huge grin

•before he would tackle you into a hug

•the rooks would call you queen

•since Jacob was sort of like a king to them

•not that he acted like one though

•he loved your laugh

•so he'd always try to make you laugh

•just to hear it

•for that reason

•he also loved to tickle you

•he would be really sweet when you guys are alone

•he's not afraid of PDA

•but he also doesn't want to make you uncomfortable

•before you go to sleep

•he always whispers "I love you"

Yoooo I love Jacob so much!! After this little series, expect a fluffy one shot for him (:

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