Altaïr X Reader || You're Safe Now

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This was an awesome request by juviaheartattack1 !!!

Hope you enjoy it!! 💖


The hot sun beat down on Altaïr as he made his way through Masyaf. Despite his white hood that provided him shade, he could still feel the unforgiving heat and was looking forward to getting back to the bureau where it was out of the way of the sun's rays, making it much cooler. Luckily, he just finished a mission so he was on his way there now to report back to Malik.

As he walked past an alleyway, the sounds of yelling and whimpering caught his attention, causing him to turn around. He crept back to the alley's opening and hid himself behind a few crates that were stacked on top of each other. Now that he was closer, he could make out what the voices were saying.

"You wretched wench! Can you not do anything right?! I told you to get three bags, not two!"

"I-I'm sorry—"

"Sorry won't cut it! This has happened way too many times!"


"Oh? Talking back now? "

"N-No sir, I'm sorry!"

"Let's teach you a lesson, shall we?"

The sound of a harsh slap filled Altaïr's ears. He immediately wanted to jump into action and save the recipient of the cruel, unnecessary punishment, but he knew he'd be seen right away, which would only worsen the situation. Instead, he resorted to just peeking over to see the scene, that way he could come up with a plan.

He leaned over enough so he could look, but still remain unseen. All that he could see was a figure with (h/c) hair keeled over and an older man standing above them, with one seemingly small thing standing out. The man's ring. It had a Templar cross present on it. The man bent down before he grabbed their hair and yanked them up, giving the person another firm slap, but this time the man's ring got caught on their skin, resulting in a large cut. Realizing that the man had his back turned to him, Altaïr decided it would be best to take action now rather than allow it to continue. Quickly, he extended his hidden blade and sprinted forward, thrusting the blade into the back of the Templar. His body became limp and the assassin stepped back, letting the body fall.

You were still cowering, holding your cheek in pain when your master's body suddenly dropped in front of you. Looking up, you see golden eyes peering at you. You quickly scooted back, fearing that you would have the same fate.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you" A serious yet soft voice spoke, inducing you to look back up to the hooded figure. He had his hand held out towards you, an offer to help you up off of the ground. Your eyes flickered between his face and hand, trying to gauge his trustworthiness. Deciding he was okay for the moment, you hesitantly took his hand. He helped you up and your gaze fell to your now dead master. The man noticed your gaze and spoke up, "That man wasn't just horrible to you, he was horrible to a lot of people. He shall not be missed."

You shook your head dismissively, a tremor still present in your voice as you spoke "No, it's not that... it's just... thank you"

He gave a short nod, before gesturing to the cut across your cheek, "Come with me, we should get that cleaned up"

He began to move but you weren't following him so he stopped. He looked back at you, motioning for you to follow him but you still didn't move.

"I'm sorry, it's just I don't even know you" You whispered nervously, fiddling with your hands, not wanting to upset him. He let out a sigh, but he wasn't entirely annoyed as he pulled his hood back slightly so you could see his face a bit better, and introduced himself, "My name is Altaïr"

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