Altaïr X Reader || Blistering Sun

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Hope you guys like it!~

(R/n) = Random name

I didn't know what to call her so I give you guys the responsibility to name her 😂


You felt the burning sand and rocks collide with the back half of your body as you were roughly shoved. Looking up, you could only see a silhouette of a person due to the blinding sun. But as the figure drew near, you knew immediately who the culprit was. (R/n). Unlike you, who had been a part of the brotherhood for a few years now, she joined a few weeks back, and those few weeks have been the worst weeks of your life. She thought she was better than everybody else, especially you. She hated you.

You didn't like her, either. While you cared deeply for the creed, it's members (other than her) and what it meant to be an assassin, she could care less. (R/n) joined not because she wanted to do good for the world, no, she only joined because she wanted attention. Attention from a certain assassin who you happened to be decent friends with, despite his reclusive and arrogant nature. Altaïr.

As you attempted to sit back up, she roughly shoved your shoulders for a second time. This time your elbow hit a larger, sharper rock and you felt it tear at your skin. You wanted to cry out, but you knew better than that. She would only hold that against you, and you didn't want to be seen as weak anyways.

"Stay down, novice" (R/n) spat, glaring daggers at you, despite you being a few years her elder. "I don't even know why Altaïr pays any attention to you at all. Pity, perhaps. I mean, you're worthless and definitely not pretty to look at"

She gave you one more firm kick to your ribs before she sauntered off elsewhere, swaying her hips far more than necessary, leaving you on the hot, dry floor of the training area.

You shut your eyes for a few moments, taking in what all happened, before sitting up off of the smoldering sand. Squinting to help shield the sun, you glance up, only to see golden eyes peering down beneath a hood at you questioningly.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing on the floor?" Altaïr asked in his usual monotonous tone as he extended a hand out to help you up. Taking his hand, you stood up, your elbow throbbed but you ignored it.

Dusting yourself off, you turned towards the master assassin, "No reason. At least not anything you should worry yourself with"

You gave him a slight bow and turned to leave, wanting to not be in this situation any longer. You weren't going to lie to yourself, you definitely liked Altaïr more than just a friend, I mean, who wouldn't? Sure he could be annoying and reckless sometimes, but you thought that's what made him who he was. Not only that, but you know he has a soft side because you've seen it. You weren't one to brag, but you've always prided yourself in being one of the few people who can make him smile. Unlike most people whom he just brushed off, he would actually acknowledge your presence. There have been times when you were talking with Malik and Altaïr would come in and halt at the sight of you two chatting, clearly jealous. The one armed man even claimed that Altaïr cares for you, to which you always blush and shrug off, not believing him.

As you were turning to leave, Altaïr's arm shot out and unknowingly grabbed ahold of you injured one. When he saw you wince he quickly released his grasp and instead inspected your arm, almost instantly finding your injury. Saying nothing, he took your other arm and gently pulled you to a nearby room. A room that just so happened to be his.

He ordered you to sit down while he pulled the door shut. Once all that had been done, he began addressing your wound.

"Why?" You softly muttered, causing his piercing gold gaze to look up at you with a quirked eyebrow, prompting you to clarify "Why are you doing this? Helping me, that is"

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