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Oh my gosh what did I just see. They was a guy in my room. Oh my freaken gosh. Its days like this that I wish I had a phone and I can call Jazzy and let her know of these events. I ran my hand through my long caramel hair and sorted it since I have untied it. I did a plain pony tail and went into my ensuite bathroom to wash my face and looked into the mirror. My green eyes stared right back at me and my heart was pounding in my chest. I stood there for Few minutes then turned into my room and sat on my bed and looked at the yellow wall. I was trying to breath and I played over the events of what has just happen. The guy was handsome, he was fair but not yellow like me more of a brownish fair. He was extremely tall yet not skinny but not to buffed up. He had a masculine body structure and the most bushy eyebrows ever. His lips were thick but not to thick. I had all the view that I could get from behind the curtain and I must say he was a handsome man... he was a Micheal Early type of a guy. I changed my Abaya(muslim dress) into a light blue and I wore a dark blue scarf then I put a blue eye liner then took another blue scarf and wove it in a way that its serves as a pradha(face covering clothe) and I must say I looked kinda cute. I walked to my mom in the kitchen to find so many cakes by the counter
Me: oh mom, you went shopping without me?
Mama: no our visitors got it for us
I walked to the cabinet and got a knife and went to slice the bar one cake and sat down and undid my pradha so I could eat my cake in peace.
Mama: hawu mtanami (oh my child) you not even waiting for after dinner ke
Me: oh you know me and food. I continued to have my cake and I could hear male voices in the lounge and one of them was smooth and cold at the same time.when I was done, I washed all the dishes cause that all I do in this house then I went outside for a walk. What I love about our house is that we just behind a guest house and they have animals around it and sometimes they animals come over to our side. Yes we have an electric fence protecting from hunting animal at night but during the day I can walk through the tiny gate dividing our properties and just enjoy nature and right now that what I feel like doing. I walked to the far back with a stick I just found and I undid my pradha because no one at the forest at this point. I walked in and admired the beauty of this place. It was like I was sight seeing again. The sunflowers were very bright today and the grass looks greener and just on the far east I saw a peacock fully displaying it pride. I stood there and watch as its makes noise n flashes its features.
"Beautiful isn't it" a smooth voice came from behind me. I quickly grabbed my scarf and adjusted it to cover my face and then turned around to find that guy from my bedroom looking straight to me
Me: you really have the oddest moment to show up.
Hlumelo: am sorry. He says not showing any signs of being sorry.
Me: its cool, by the way am Nailaa
Hlumelo: pleasure to meet you... I nodded and turned to find the peacocks gone. I moved into the forest and he followed. They was utter silence But not the awkward silence a enjoyable silence I must say. We saw few more animals and when it was beginning to drizzle a bit we made our way back still in silence. We walked back to the gate and I went in the direction of the kitchen and he went in the direction of the lounge. No one said anything to anyone, he really must think am the rudest child ever but no am not I was told never to speak to a male ever unless its family or my father or brothers are within earshot. I walked into the kitchen to find mom has changed and she has dished the food to serving bowls.
Mama: good you are here,help us go place these in the eating table and go call your two brothers from the room. I helped mom to the lounge and found my mystery guy laughing to something dad has said and his father i assume since they look so alike.
Dad: Ya waladi( oh my child) lemmie introduce you to our guest. I moved closer to my dad
Dad: This is Mr Meqo and his lovely Nephew Hlumelo who has just agreed to marrying you in 2 weeks time. My eyes shot straight out of my eyeballs as I felt tears slowly making they way down my checks. I heard mama taking in a breath and somewhere and I heard my brothers saying"what the fuck" Mr Meqo was smiling like a retard and so was dad. I looked right into Hlumelo eyes and he smiled than his smile dropped and he lowered his head and looked at his hands. I grabbed my Abaya n I ran out of the house into the forest and left a commotion inside the house.....

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