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We drove to my house and I could see that everyone was there with all the cars that was parked outside and the buzz of noise. We got to the gate and my mom hooted and all my aunts and cousins came out making so much noise, it was so festive like. I got out of the car with everyone around me and singing and clapping.We walked to the back of the yard and at the stage Hlumelo was there sitting at one of the couches looking dashing in his light grey suit. Gosh he was so handsome. I walked up to him and my family seated amongst the crowd.The ceremony began and I must say i enjoyed every single moment of it.

Its was now 11pm and I was driving to Drakensberg. My wife was next to me sleeping. My wife that really has a nice ring to it. I drove for 4 hours and eventually got to my friends cabin. I went in the drive through and found my friend waiting for us in his car.
Me: Hey bro... we bro hugged each other
Friend: Hey its been awhile and congratulations he says handing me the keys.
Friend: I did breakfast shopping only for tomorrow and brought junk and filled the gas and generator for you. The rest you can go to town to get. He says moving to his car. I waved at him and made my way to my car to fetch our luggage and then went back to carry Nailaa into the cabin and placed her on the bed and took our shoes off and dozed off.

I woke up to someone holding me tight that i couldn't move and I so wanted to go to the toilet. I tried a couple of times to move without waking Melo up but he kept pulling me closer to him.
Me: Hlumelo
Hlumelo: hmmm... where you going? He asked turning me towards him now i was facing him.
Me: I need the bathroom fast. I moved out of his hands and walked to the bathroom did my business and refreshed my mouth with just water than walked back to the bedroom. Its was only than that I took in the beauty of the room as a whole. The way it was beautiful. I walked around form the spacious bedroom to the lounge and from there to the balcony that had an amazing view. I loved everything about this place its was just us and the wilderness. From afar i saw a few zebra's and springbok. Hlumelo came through to the balcony patio like and found me standing next to the rail. He had two cups with him and handed me one of the cups and he stood next to me and we watched the animals and enjoyed our peace.
Hlumelo: I have never enjoyed peace this much in my life. He places his cup on the rail and looks at me smiling. His eyes are looks lighter.
Me:I love nature, thank you for every single gesture you have made for me through out this whole ordeal. I really appreciate it. I move to him and give him a light hug then i turn and pick up my tea and sip while watching a peacock from afar. I don't know how long i stood there but i looked around to find that am alone. I walked back in and to have my nose filled with wonderful aromas. I walked towards the smell and there he was setting the table.
Hlumelo: welcome back to earth... he chuckles and place the silverware properly.
Me: sorry I was just in the zone. I walk to the sink and opened the tap to rinse my cups and the water was freezing cold. I jumped back and the cup fell in the sink and broke and within seconds Hlumelo was next to me.
Hlumelo: did you get hurt?
Me: No am good. I picked the few broken glass and threw them in the bin." Its just that am not used to such called water and that threw me off a bit" i said moving back to the sink to wash off the rest of the glass fragments.
Hlumelo:I should have told you. He moves the last bit of food to the table and he draws a chair out for me to sit in. I make my way there and sit down the food looked so awesome and i was famished beyond words. He sat down and we ate and laughed and had a light conversation on yesterday events.
Hlumelo: I got mom and them to pack all our gifts in they car and go with it to Durban since you going to be staying with me. I looked up at him all shocked.What about school school, does he remember am doing grade 11 right now and i cannot afford not to finish. I have two more terms
to go and then am done with 11.
Me: uhm... i placed my spoon down. "I was under the impression that am going to stay with my parents until i finish up with school" i said with my eye being a little glassy with tears. This cannot be happening to me. I cant be a drop out. He promised that ill study and that ill go to varsity at some-point. How on earth am I going to go when i only have grade 11, not even 11 just grade 10 since i fully completed that. I had so many thoughts running through my mind and that was making my head a bit dizzy than i could breath and he looked at me all concern and i could feel myself getting hot and losing control of my body then its was light outs for me and I felt my head hitting something hard.

I woke up to a pacing Hlumelo and a cute white lady sitting next to me.
Me: Hi.. i whispered and Hlumelo jumped to my side and kissed me all over my face and i didn't hear half of what he was saying.
Hlumelo: Are you okay? You almost gave me a heart attack. He asked looking at me and the white lady.
Me: Am good just have a little headache... I touched where it hurt the most and the white lady got up and came back with a glass of water and some pills.
Her: here take this, you had a panic attack and you fainted, do you have history of anxiety attacks? She asks with so much concern.
Me: No none that i know off... I drank the meds and relaxed into the bed again. Hlumelo was so worried and that pained me to him so stressed.
Her: You should go to town when you are feeling stronger and go to a doctor just to check you up and see if you all good but to my knowledge you look like you will be fine. She smiles at me then calls Hlumelo on the side and they speak and she hugs him and then leaves. Hlumelo walks to me and gets in bed near me and cuddles me like a baby and i inhale his smell and i must say am feeling much better.
Hlumelo: You gave me such a fright, I had to call Angie. She my friends wife and this is they cabin.. I nodded at him and looked up at him.
Me: Am sorry for the fright, I just wasn't expecting to hear what you said to me earlier on and that gave me a shock. I snuggled closer to him.
Hlumelo: Nailaa, ill never do something to you that will make you question your decision of giving this a try. Reason we moving to Durban is cause we married and we should be living together to make this work. School wise I have called your school to get emergency transfer papers due to you relocating and you are enrolled at Orient Islamic school to further you studies there. I know how much education means to you and am not going to stand on your way of it. You never allowed me to finish my sentence and already you were panicking. By now tears were falling down  and I was making his shirt wet and he just rubbed my back until I dozed off.

When Nailaa fainted I think my brain went on over ride. I called Smiso and told him my situation and he sent Angela to come help. Meantime i helped Nailaa to bed and placed a cold cloth on her fore head. When Angela got here, i told her everything that happened and she injected Nailaa with something and five minutes later she woke up.We are now in bed and she is sleeping and this gives me time to think. She still fears that i might change on her or abuse her in any way. I thought i made my intentions clear but its seems like everyday i have to show it to her that she plays a vital role in my life and I want nothing but good things for her. I took my phone out to cancel all todays plan then i called her parents just to find out if all was well at they said and they were. Than i called my parents too.
Mom: Its good to hear from you son. She answered and i can just imagine the full smile on her face right now
Me:bendikujonga nje (I was just checking on you)
Mom:Enkosi mntwana wam.  bendicinga ngawe kodwa andifuni ukukuphazamisa .. ulungile?  uyacima. (thank you my child. i was just thinking of you but didn't want to disturb you.. are you okay? you sound off.) I took a deep breath and told my mom the morning events.
Mom: oh nyana wami( oh my child)
Me: she good now mom but i hate that she thinks am a monster and ill change on her. Iv tried my best to show her that am a good guy and ill do good to her but its like i make progress than i move two steps back. I let out all my frustrations on mom. I don't know why but i seem to do that a lot with her. She has a way of making me bare my troubles.
Mom: My child you both may be in kzn but you two come from different worlds. Understand that first then understand the person that she is and the environment that she comes from. You need to be patient with her and clear at all times. She knows you a good person or else she wouldn't have married you. Find solace in that when things get to be to much. We love you and I know she loves you. Just be patient and put in the work that needs to be put in to make it work and you will see everything will fall into place.
Hlumelo: Thank you ill try to remember that, travel safe mother.
Mom: Thank you, Nailaa mom is packing her clothes and all her things that she values and ill do the unpacking tomorrow at your house.
Hlumelo: Thank you for the house mother it a beautiful gift cant wait to see it. I smiled at how lucky i am to have such parents.
Mom: It was our pleasure my son. Let me not keep you ill call tomorrow to let you know on how things are at your place. I hope the designers did what you asked.
Me: Thank you mom,I love you. She hung up after making kissing sounds. I must say i felt so much better after speaking to her. Am going to try my best to make things work. Am in love with Nailaa and i think its driving me crazy because I really don't  want to mess it up and end up losing her. I looked at her sleeping so peaceful on my chest and I felt a tug in my heart. I smiled and closed my eyes joining her in sleep.

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