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After I placed our delights in the counter mrs Dunga thanked me and told me her daughter will be happy for the bar one, caramel cake and red velvet as they are her favorites. I smiled at her and walked back to lounge and the two old guys looked at me.
Hlumelo: Kutheni nindibona nihleka?( why are you both looking at me funny)
Uncle: akhonto nyana wam kodwa sinomcimbi esingathanda sixoxe nawe( its nothing my son but they is something that ill like to speak to you about) I sat across from both of them and looked at them expectedly.
Uncle: my friend here has a daughter that he will like for you to marry in two weeks time, iv spoken a great deal to your aunt about this and we think its best for you. You are a loner and you need someone. As much as my family and those crazy boys you call friends always there for you but you need something of your own.he looks at me and as I adjust everything he just said to me, so this whole trip was about finding me a wife. I laughed at my stupidity and looked straight at the two guys.
Me: is she aware that you marrying her off? I asked her dad and he nodded his head.
Mr Dunga: its not that am marrying her off ,it is the way of our life. Yes I wanted her to marry a muslim man but you will do cause in the short time that you have been here iv been more determined then ever that you are the right fit for my daughter. Who knows maybe you might convert...
Me: well if you say she is open to marrying a stranger then i don't mind marrying here and yes uncle you and your family have been amazing to me and I do yearn for my own family. Something that belongs to me and i can proudly say that mine... the two old man smiled and I chuckled abit thinking what have I agreed too. And right there in they walked in with food in they hands. I couldnt see my future wife hands since she was wearing gloves.
Mr Dunga:Ya waladi( oh my child) lemmie introduce you to our guest. She moved closer to her dad, i was paying attention to her body language cause with the smile on Mr Dunga face i knew he will tell her the news now.
Mr Dunga: This is Mr Meqo and his lovely Nephew Hlumelo who has just agreed to marrying you in 2 weeks time. I looked down as he said his introduction and when i heard his wife breath i looked up to find my intended looking right into my eyes with nothing but fear and pain in her eyes. As tears silently rolled down her checks she collected herself and ran out of the house almost bumping in to two tall guys who looked alike. Everyone spoke all at once, I lifted my hands up in a gesture of silence and everyone kept quite.
Me: ill go after her and speak to her more of this matter and come into solid ground... I didn't wait for anyone to answer. The twins were so confused. I walked out of out of the house and went the same direction that i found her at earlier on. Its the only place i could think off.i walked into the forest and walked in this drizzling rain until I got to a little pond with ducks and there she was sitting there and staring into the water. It was a picture perfect picture and I quickly took my phone and snapped a few pictures and took a deep breath and walked towards her with my hands in my pockets.

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