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What the fuck is wrong with me? If she says yes she doesn't want to marry me and then what? I can be so stupid sometimes. Things were going great, our journey was okay. We got here and got to the guest house behind they house. They called us in for introducing the family and might i add when Nailaa walked in i knew i was doing the right thing. She commanded the room to pay attention to her without being dramatic nor speaking. She was my mystery girl. Damn this girl got me so hooked. I saw how protective of her Aran is and i made sure that Bhongo occupy him while i shift to sit next to Nailaa. When she saw me next to her, she was shocked i saw her tense up and move. Everything was perfect until i opened my big mouth, now here we are looking into each other and my heart is pounding. Nothing exist but just us.
Nailaa: its okay, you don't have to stop anything, am fine. I slowly started breathing and i smiled at her and she turned.
Me: thank you... i still had her hand in mines and i loved how it was feeling. This woman will be the end of me. I turned to find my mom and Nailaa mom looking at us with smiles. I poured myself juice.
Mr Dunga: its lovely to have family close by in this amazing time. Nailaa am so proud of you for taking my decision head on without fear and running with it, do know i love you and i only want and pray for whats best for you. Now we beginning on a journey as a family But which later on result in you being your own family, all i can advise is listen to one another and always show respect. I raised you well my child and i don't want Mr Meqo ever complaining. I want compliments only. My house will always be your home just that now you have two of everything. You are blessed now make use of this blessing to better yourself as an individual. I squeezed Nailaa hand for reassurance.
Me: iv got you. I whispered and she squeezed my hand back.
Mr Dunga: let take this outside and get on with the dowry proceeding,Nailaa will call you when we need you for now its just dad and Mr Dunga got up,i turned and looked at Nailaa.
Me: Don't b shy to say what you want for your dowry, its your pride price... its my gift to you okay? She nods her head, i let go of her and follow the guys outside. I was really truly happy. I felt much lighter and its felt like am in control of my life. I really hope this feeling last.

Soon as Melo was out of earshot Jazzy came running to me.
Jazzy: oh my gosh get your father to hook me up please, he has taste. I chocked on my food from drooling on your man chommie, can you believe it? She looked at me fanning her face
Me: serves you right i laughed at her as we helped clear the table.
Jazzy: nkosiyami( my god) i didn't even know what to say, he was all eyes on you and everyone was throwing eyes at you too and you both didn't care. It was like you are in your own world, its was beautiful how he smiles, looks at you and talks to you. She was supper excited and grinning and jumping up and down. Than mother walked in while Jazzy was being crazy.
Mother: Now you can talk Yasmin? And my friend mumbled something while mom walked out laughing. Jazzy pulled me to my bedroom.
Jazzy: I heard the whole conversation, she said jumping up and down. This is what i deal with on daily basis.
Jazzy: his so sweet, he literally offered to cancel all of this just so you can be free. Ow chommie. She hugs me and screams than throws herself on my bed.
Jazzy: am so happy and i feel like am the one getting married, so what you going to ask for? She looks at me and now she calm.
Me: i don't know really, i haven't though of it. I throw myself next to her.
Jazzy: well think fast girl, don't ask for money you will sound like a skunk. She flips to her tummy. I keep quiet as i think this thru.

My name is Yasmin khoza but you can call me Jazzy. Nailaa is my best friend since grade 3, more like my twin. Am tall and slender in shape and very talkative. Right now am at my home girl house since her dad decided to marry her off. Its turning out to be good. The actual wedding is tomorrow but me being me i decided to pop in early. Now did i tell you how hot Hlumelo is, i know i shouldn't be drooling but lord have mercy his amazing. The way he cares and tries to engage my nun of a friend is awesome. Am chilling with my girl in her room and we thinking what we want for our dowry... yes its our dowry.
Me: ask for a car, you know how to drive nje.
Nailaa: seriously jazzy its doesn't work like that and i cant ask for a car, not like he will make me drive.
Me:ask for a house then.. i look at her smiling since an idea popped in my head.
Me:that way i can visit you all the time and i can stay with you.
Nailaa: hold it friend that not happening, let me think in peace please. I got up from the bed and went to the kitchen and i found the other cute guy Avuyile eating cake.
Me: didnt we just eat you little pig.. i snatch the plate from him and look at him with narrow eyes.
Avuyile: aah you want a piece of me wena(you) he says smiling. I must say he is cute in away and so full of himself.
Me: i don't want you, you just wasting food that all. I flipped my hair. Yes you heard me flip my hair. Am an opposite of my friend. She goes by the book and am more of the modern muslim i guess.
Avuyile: i hear you, now come sit down and let eat this cake. I smiled to myself and sat next to him and share the cake and lord have mercy i thought i can speak but this guy can talk. In the few minutes iv learnt so much about him. His Avuyile and his 18 finishing matric and his such a clown. I had so much fun speaking to him and i guess we will be good friends. He adores his brothers and love his sister who went out with the moms to do last minute shopping. Nailaas brothers are in the garden doing the set up for the Walimah since every family member will be invited and they friends.
Me: let me leave you and check on my friend and see if she has decided what to get from your brother. I got up from my chair.
Avuyile: I wonder what she will ask for?? He says day dreaming sucking his spoon like a lollipop.

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