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2 years later
Its been two days since I have been having period pains yet no periods. My head is buzzing and The pain is getting worse. Hlumelo is making tea with lemon to help. Am now rolling around the sharp pain that just made my whole body vibrate. Am trying so hard not to panic since Hlumelo is doing all the panicking. He walked in after a few minutes carrying a tray with tea and a warm bean bag to help relax my muscles.
Hlumelo: You going to be fine, take the pills and sleep it off. He handed me the pills and i drank them then had tea and slept on top of the hot bean bag with him massaging my back. I dozed off but woke up to excruciating pain.
Hlumelo: Ay ngeke ngikuyisa kwa doctor( No ways am taking you to the doctor) he picked me up and took me to his car and we drove to doctor Govender. We waited a few minutes than we walked in.
Dr Govender: Good afternoon what brings you here? She smiles and opens my file.
Hlumelo: She usually have period pains but these are different and they painful so I was wondering if they is something she can take for it? The doc moves to me and checks me.
Dr Govender: Did you have periods last month?
Me: 3 days but lighter than usual and its was the shortest am usually a 7 days kind of a person. She hands me a bottle.
Dr Govender: please pee in it, use the bathroom there? She points to a closed door. Hlumelo helps me down I go in and pee and come back hand her the tub. She dips a paper in it than place it on a sheet and walked to throw away my urine.
Dr Govender: so what am doing here is a pregnancy test. She looks at us dead on and we are shocked.
Me: Why?
Dr Govender: Just to cover all bases and to see what might be causing these serve pains. She looks at the paper strip and shows it to us. Two pink lines are visible. "This shows that you are pregnant" we both looked at her and didn't know what to say to her.
Me: how? I was shaken and i looked at Hlumelo only to see him smiling like a retard.
Hlumelo: Fuck yeah we having a baby. This is awesome. Oh thank God. He kisses my face all over and hugs me. Iv never seen him so happy in my life. His happiness was starting to rub of me. But pain shot through me and i grabbed my tummy and he picked me up and placed me on the bed. Than i just started bleeding. I looked at my pants to find it soaked in less then a minute. The doctor called his team and i was rushed out to another room. All i could see was the fear in Hlumelo face as the male nurse held him back as they wheeled me off.

I was panicking now Nailaa has been taken by the doctors for two hours now. Iv called my family and they are here but they not much they can do. Am pacing up and down the waiting room trying to calm myself.
Mrs Meqo: Am going to get something to eat anyone wants anything? Just than doctor Govender comes in
Dr Govender: Mr Meqo. I rush to her. "Mind stepping this side so we can talk" i look around and see my family and i nod for her to continue.
Dr Govender: They is no easy way to say this but two different eggs were fertilized. That means you were having Dizygotic twins. That means at that some point your wife produced more than one egg resulting in this pregnancy. The reason she bleeding so much is that while the eggs were traveling one was stuck in the tube causing an ectopic pregnancy. We need to terminate the pregnancy  since its a high risk pregnancy. The ectopic pregnancy puts your wife and unborn child life at risk. We cannot save the other twin life sine they has been scaring in the tubes and lots of bleeding we need to suck out the excessive blood in the womb and that results in a termination of the pregnancy. If we do nothing your wife tube will bust causing her to lose her life. We have less than an hour to proceed with this. She looks at me waiting for a go ahead. I nodded and she gave me some papers and i signed and she left. I turned to look at my family, my mom was crying silently and my brother tried to come to me but i lifted my hands us and wales to the bathroom. I closed the door and i cried. I cried to the top of my lungs. I did not care if they hear me or not but i cried. Iv just agreed to terminate my own children. I cried till i could feel no more tears than went to wash my face and walked out of the bathroom to my family who were trying so hard to not look at me. My dad just placed his hands on my shoulders and some how i heard my mother praying.

I woke up feeling a little foggy and when i turned my head found Hlumelo sleeping by the couch next to my bed. Just then a nurse walked in carrying a try of medicine.
Nurse: Mrs Meqo you are up... she smiles and brings up the bed then pages the doctor in and right than Hlumelo wakes up. I love my husband but he looked awful. His eyes were puffy from crying. He was pink and he looked dead. He smiled but his smile didn't reach his eyes.
Hlumelo: Baby... he kissed my fore head. Dr Govender checked me and gave the nurse my clipboard. She injected some pain medicine than walked out. Only the Doctor and my husband were with me.
Me: uhm... am a big girl.. tell me what causing my husband to not look me in my eyes doc.. he snapped his head up and i saw tears falling from his face. Right there i knew it was bad. When Dr Govender told me about what happened and the procedure that took place to save my life. I wailed. We cried so much and the doctor excused herself. Hlumelo kept apologizing but it hurt. It hurt so much that my first time experience of being a mother was snatched from me before i could even be one. Yes we never planned for this pregnancy but I was willing and ready to be a mother. I saw what joy it brought to my husband and how much he wanted to be one. I cried thinking if God was punishing me for the sins iv been doing. Or maybe his punishing me for losing my traditions and teachings that my father has instill on me. But whatever this was whether is was a lesson or solely an experience that my husband and I had to go through. I knew from the bottom of my heart that we going to be fine. Its may not be today or its may not be tomorrow but we were going to be fine. I knew this because I have a wonderful husband that I adore and that adores me too and we both in this for life.

5 years later

I woke up to the smell of coffee and i slowly opened my eyes to find white roses on the side of my bed and a card. I woke up and open the card:
" To the most beautiful woman that iv ever laid my eyes on. Thank you for your love and support and for making my dull life a whole lot colorful. Thank you for our two beautiful kids" and just as I close the card i heard little foot steps. In came my son holding a tray with pancakes and the most cuties smile ever. He gave it to me.
Son: happy woman's day mommy". He kisses me and than Hlumelo walks in carrying a tray with 3 cups and a sipping cup for our daughter who had the cutest smile carrying a small tray with one muffin. I smiled with tears rolling down my eyes. This is what iv been blessed with. Beautiful kids and a wonderful husband. Life couldn't be any greater.

The end

Here is a preview of my next book coming soon......

The struggle

I moved next to the door slowly pointing a Gun at him. My whole body was shaking from all the torture of the fight that happened a few minute ago. I looked at him standing a few feet away from me and I knew at this point that its either he dies or ill be running for ever. He had his hands up high and had the most evil grin ever. " You are not going to kill me Salinda" He was moving closer and he thought i wasn't paying attention. I aimed to the space right next to his ear and fired. " move one more inch you mother fucker and you are dead" He looked at me all shocked at my bravery and it dawn to him that this is not the same Salinda he knows. His years of torture has made me what I am right now. He looked straight into my eyes and I knew that tonight only one of us is going to leave this place alive and right now am going to fight him with every fibre in my body to make sure I come out of this Alive. I have a life now and he will not take that away from me....

Will be out soon
Thank you for the support❤️
Disclaimer: The images used in this book are only illustration purposes and in no way belong to the author/s. Images can be found on google images.

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