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I woke up to something poking me and i tried to move it but its kept poking me. I opened my eyes to find that am on top of Hlumelo. I stayed still without moving. I looked at the time on the clock next to the bedside and its showed 4:35am. I relaxed a bit and listened to his heart beat and breathing. I wasn't aware that i was making circular circles on his chest until i saw his hand holding mines.
Hlumelo: You are awake? He asks brushing my back.
Me: Yes am up, there was something poking me. I said moving my hand down to touch what was poking me. He kept his hand over mines. We were both quiet for some time. After what felt like minutes i noticed i was now underneath him and he was on top of me. He kissed my lips and then got up and went to have a shower. I stayed there stretched and touched my lips feeling where his lips were. I got up made the bed and wore my non existing gown. Hlumelo walked out from the bathroom in a towel. I must say he left my jaws hanging. He has this beautiful lean body. Muscular but not to much muscle.His V line is to die for. Dear God take me now. He walks to me and kisses my fore head.
Hlumelo: You will get used to me walking around half naked. He walked off to his bag.

While Nailaa was bathing i ordered room service then set up everything on the floor by the balcony. I placed more petals and I asked for white roses to be delivered so i placed them on the bed. I was dresses in my blue jeans and plain white T shirt. I was walking bare feet. This morning is all about knowing her before we go over to her parent house for the Walimah( feast after marriage where we celebrate the Nikkah). I connected my phone via bluetooth and played some music.

I walked out of the bathroom wearing a floral long dress its was white with blue flowers. I wore my pink sleepers. When i got next to the bed i found white roses. Wow this is so beautiful. I picked them up and smelled them then followed the music to the lounge and by the balcony there he was sitting on scatter cushions with food everywhere.He smiled when he saw me coming towards him.
Hlumelo: You look beautiful...he says smiling at me as he patted the cushion next to him. I sat next to him and he dished out a few things on his plate and passed me a plate. In silence we sorted our food out.
Me: Thank you for the roses they are beautiful. I said stuffing my face with a chicken samosa.
Hlumelo: My pleasure...he shifted to a position that i was his view and he smiled while taking a bite onto his half moon pie.
Hlumelo:You really beautiful Nailaa. I smiled continuing with my eating. We ate in silence him checking me out now and then and i was busy shying away from him. When we were done he cleaned up and went and placed the dishes on the room service cart. He came back sat next to me.
Hlumelo: mind coming to lean on me. I moved up to him in between his legs with my back on his chest. He was playing with my hair and i must say the silence was comfortable and i was comfortable being in his presence.
Hlumelo: tell me about yourself? He asked out of nowhere.
Me: wow... uhm... what would you like to know. By this point our hands were entwined and i really was comfortable with being in his presence.
Hlumelo: everything that you want to share and that you think will make this journey easier for us if i knew.
Me: oh okay than... we spoke for what seemed like hours and i eventually dozed off on him.

Here i was sitting at the balcony waiting for Nailaa to wake up. She dozed of on me and i must say she is very interesting. We spoke of where and what she will like to accomplish. We spoke of school, my jobs and what we hope to gain in tis relationship. She now peacefully sleeping on top of me and i like it. I love how she smells. How she laughs and how she gets shy before she speaks her mind. I simply am unconditionally in-love with her. My phone buzzed and i checked to see all the pictures my family were sharing of our day in the new group that got created. I took one of the pictures that was of our hands when we were showing the family our rings and posted it on my facebook account with the caption " Off the market...#its a marriage." I tagged my cousins that were there. I logged off and closed my eyes for a while.

I was just chilling on my couch going through my facebook and boom Hlumelo just posted a picture. The caption made me scream so loud and i just couldn't believe it. Pinkie my sister came running to the lounge.
Pinkie: wamemeza nje yini?(why are you screaming) i couldn't breath. I was getting dizzy and fainter.
Me: its Hlumelo. I managed to say to her. She was looking all worried at me.
Pinkie: ow what did your ex do now? She asks sitting next to me.let me rewind a bit. Hlumelo and i have been dating since Matric till 2 months ago he said he needs space to sort out his life. So i said okay thinking its just going to be a week thing which later turned into a month and now its 2 months. He does not take my calls nor answer my messages and he has blocked my BBM(blackberry messenger). I love him so much his been good to me and he takes care of me financially. Ever since we broke up am always broke. I want him back and now he is married. His been playing me for the past two years... i took the phone and showed Pinkie.
Pinkie: its shows his married now.
Me: Yes, all along iv been asking myself if he found out about Tsepho, maybe that why he left but no he has been playing me and his married. Who is this bitch that he married. I snatched my phone from Pinkie and checked the list of people he tagged and its was all his cousins,no unfamiliar names. I threw my phone on my couched and i cried and cried. My sister didn't know what to do but just to console me as i cried myself away.

A distant ringing woke me up only to find out it was our room phone. I lightly shook Melo up and he looked at me and smiled and kissed my nose. I giggled pointing to the house phone while it was ringing. He went to answer it and i went to go was my face. I came back to him finishing on the phone.
Hlumelo: That was the front desk saying we have visitors. I looked at him confused as to who will that be
Hlumelo: its your mother and my mom they came to help you get ready for the Walimah. Ill dress up at the guest house. They came here cause your house is full of our guest so they thought here will be less hectic. I nodded and tied my hair in a ponytail. I walked to the balcony to take the sofa cushions and scatter cushions on the floor to the lounge. When i got there i found the moms looking at the pink Hlumelo standing awkwardly. He looked so relief to see me he came kissed my check
Hlumelo: see you at the ceremony. He grabbed his keys and rushed off.
Mother: so... how are you feeling? The both looked at me with smiles on they faces and i must say they were weird.
Me: Am good mom.. i said sorting the cushions while they look at each other.
Mrs Meqo: that all you going to say? She looks at me. Now am all confused cause am not getting where they going with this.
Me: Am lost what do you two want me to say. I look at them and stop fixing the sofa.
Mother: We walked in here to a lounge with no Cushions and we see a walk in tray full of food so we were just wondering how was your first night with your husband? Mom bluntly asks. Mrs Meqo elbows her and than its dawns on me as to what exactly they asking. I went extremely red and i coughed so hard.
Mother: oh my gosh no need to choke. Its was that good, don't share any details. I coughed more. They got it all wrong but am sure as hell wasn't going to tell them nothing happened. I went to take a bath while they went to the car to get our clothes to get ready and the little make up that Mrs Meqo will apply on me. Oh wait, am also Mrs Meqo now. They came back and helped me get dressed. My pink ball gown was over the top. I must say Mrs Meqo has taste. Its was light pink and its has lace flower petals at the bottom of the dress and at the waist up its was full lace embroidery. It had a big pink bow at the ass. I had to do an up do hair style for this look. I did Smokey eyes and applied a pink lipstick. I looked like a princess.
Me: Thank you so much, i look amazing. Mr Meqo hugged me.
Mrs Meqo: The pleasure is all mines, i see how you make my son happy so i want to do as much as possible to make this experience amazing and easier. We hugged some more and she kissed my cheek. As usual we were all in tears and smiling through it. My mom looked at the time and asked as to leave and off we went to my celebration of being a Meqo.

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