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I ran and ran until my tiny feet couldn't run anymore. I stopped by the pond and cried my soul out. Wiped my tears and looked at my situation. At least the guy is hot and not some old guzzler with a big belly but still though. How could my dad do this to me and to think iv been bumping into this guy all along his going to be my husband. He must be thinking am one lose child to entertain random man like that. I sat there thinking if I ran away were would i go and what will I do. Am only doing my grade 10 now and next year am moving to grade 11. Who will want to hire a grade 10 student. I felt more tears coming through and I wiped them away, my blue scarf was a mess with my eye liner. I looked up in the sky "why me god" no answer" why did you make me the only girl in this house, if I had a bigger sister ill hv someone to help me process this, gosh why me? I cried again and simply just stopped and washed my face with the pond water and when I looked up from the ground I saw black sneakers n jeans n I looked up at him.
Hlumelo: sometimes God makes us go through things so we can be closer to him and ask him the exact questions you asking now and only get your answer later in life when you have experienced the same thing that making you cry right now.... he shifted and sat next to me and took my cold hands in his warm hands.
Hlumelo: am not saying be happy with the situation but be happy that am not some old pervert who want to exploit you. Atleast with me we almost the same age and ill understand you better. To tell you the truth, the few moments iv spents with you have been pleasant. He tries to smile but i just look at him and i must say this guy is hot maan. His face looks hard but he has somehow soften it while speaking to me. Am staring to much . I tried to lower my gaze and he moved his hand and place it under my chin and lifted my head up and looked at me.
Hlumelo: You beautiful Nailaa even when you have been crying... all my senses came back in a bolt and I remembered that I don't have my gloves on and my pradha on and my scarf on my head has slipped back .he can actualy see my full face not just my eyes only. Lord have mercy i felt my checks heat up and he gave me the most dazzling smile as I removed my hands from his and tied my scarf in a covering way and wore my gloves.
Nailaa: uhm...uhm... I stuttered what am i even going to say to this guy... i just quickly turned and walked back home. I didnt turn around until i got in the kitchen and went straight to my room and locked myself in. I went into the bathroom while undressing and got into a shower and sat there and went over todays event again and cried until i had no more tears. This is a pain of being born a Arabian woman. Becoming of age where your father decides your fate, yes we not in Suadi anymore but try telling that to my Arabian old age father. To think a month ago, i was just his little girl and now am woman enough to be married. What of my dreams? Why am i even in school? Will he be as sweet as he seems? What about my dreams and plans? Dear Almighty help me please!!! Why make me live, dream, wish and have hope n faith that i wont b another Arabain woman stats and just take that away in a blink of an eye? I really thought i was different, that my fate will not be controlled by a man.. i thought South Africa will be a way to make my dreams a reality and dont suffer the same fate as my cousins. I wiped myself and opened the blankets and took two panados than doozed off.

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