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Narrator POV:

Riverdale is a small town supposedly filled with so much Pep, everyone knows everyone and they also know that in Riverdale High there is only one power couple, Veronica Lodge and Betty Cooper. The two sexiest and most beautiful girls you'll ever see and of course the most wanted but every guy knew that they had zero chances with either of them since they seemed so happy and so lost in love with each other, that is until Jughead Jones came along. 

Jughead quickly made friends at Riverdale High and even managed to get into the football team making him the towns gossip and the most wanted guy but Jughead had already set his blue eyes on someone, Betty Cooper. Though many people told Jughead that she was a lost cause he didn't seem to think so since she and him were getting pretty close and even thinks that she may be harboring a crush on him since she flirts back when he does. 

It was a normal day in the halls of Riverdale High, all the cheerleaders were finishing up their practice when Jughead ran towards Betty who was picking up her bag and swinging it over her arm. "Hey gorgeous" Jughead yells out making Betty turn around quickly to look at him, she bit her lip and smiled at him raking her eyes over his body slowly, not caring whether he see's her doing this since this isn't the only time she does it. "Hey Handsome, how was practice?" She asks slowly walking towards him, swaying her hips making him lick his lips at just how glorious the sight is for him. 

"It was alright, my mind was somewhere else though" He admits to her, cautiously snaking his arm around her waist, Betty looked down at his arm and looked back at him in the eyes biting her lip once again and slowly wrapping her arms around his neck "You know if you wanna kiss me, I wouldn't stop you" She tells him with a risen eyebrow. 

He smirks down at her and leans his face closer to hers "Oh yeah? What about your girlfriend?" He asks her. 

"What about her?" Betty retorts. Feeling the heat in her center, and clenching her thighs, she's always been with Veronica but she's never felt this, whatever this feeling is with her, only with Jughead and honestly that scares Betty a bit but she's accepted the fact that she likes a guy making her realize that maybe her mother was right all along. 

"Kiss me, I know you want too" She tells him but before he could, they hear someone clearing their throat. They instantly pull away and look over to the side and see Veronica walking up to them with a risen eyebrow clearly not liking the sight but she's decided to play it cool at least in front of Betty. "Hey BABE" Veronica says as she walks up to her girlfriend, uncrossing her arms and pulling Betty closer to her and giving Jughead a glare, Jughead scoffs and turns his head to the side knowing exactly what Veronica is trying to do but he isn't worried since he knows that sooner rather than later Betty will be with him. 

"I gotta go get changed, Ronnie" Betty says, quickly unwrapping herself and walking towards the locker room, slowly turning her head and catching Jugheads attention, she sends him a wink then walks into the locker room. Jughead smiles wide and soon realizes that Veronica is still staring him down. 

"What?" He asks her. 

"I'm warning you Jughead, stay away from here." Veronica says to him. 

"What?" He asks with a chuckle. Finding this amusing. 

"You heard me, Stay away from Betty. She's mine. " Veronica says then quickly turns around and walks towards the locker room where Betty is at. Jughead simply smiles and nods his head at those words since he knows that Betty will soon be his. He doesn't care whose toes he has to step on, all he knows that eventually Betty Cooper will be his. 

Veronica walks into the locker room and see's Betty changing into some shorts. "So? What's up with you and that new kid?" Veronica asks her girlfriend, feeling her heart beat fasten since she feels her girlfriend slowly slipping away and its breaking her heart. 

Betty sighs and turns around to look at Veronica as she slips on her top "Nothing Veronica, he's my friend" She lies, clearly knowing that if he took her home she wouldn't hesitate to let him fuck her. 

"Bullshit Betty! I seen you two and if I didn't know any better it looked like you two were about to kiss, friends don't do that" Veronica snaps. Betty rolls her eyes and doesn't care to say anything and doesn't even bother to deny it. 

"Oh right, only you and Cheryl can right?" Betty sarcastically asks waiting for Veronica to answer but she never does "Exactly" Betty then says, grabbing her bag once again and going to leave the locker room but is stopped by Veronica. "I thought we were over that already?" 

"No, that's what you thought" Betty says, pulling away from her and walking out of the locker room. 

Jughead ran into the boys locker room and see's Reggie and Archie looking down at something, making Jughead curious as to what they are looking at, so he walks over to them. "What are you guys looking at?" Jughead then asks, causing the other two teenagers to look up at him with wicked grins. 

"Just the new vixen photos" Reggie says to handing him the photos, Betty being at the top making Jughead smirk and feeling his cock harden at just how sexy she looks. "She's so fucking hot, it's a shame she isn't into guys" Reggie says to Jughead. 

"If you were Jughead, she would be" Archie adds knowing exactly what's going on between his new friend and the blonde beauty. Reggie clearly left confused by the statement made by the red head. 

"What do you mean by that?" Reggie asks the redhead with a confused look, Jughead shakes his head with a smile, taking the photo of Betty and handing them back the other photos and slipping the photo of Betty into his bag. "It means that I'm going to make Betty Cooper mine" Jughead says. Saying his good byes and walking out the locker room without another word. 

As soon as Jughead walks out of the school and into the parking lot, he see's the girl he desires most and her girlfriend fighting but as soon as Veronica notices him, she pulls Betty closer to her and tries to kiss her but laughs internally when she see's the blonde haired goddess pull away and gives her an "Are you serious" look and walks off into her car and drives off, leaving Veronica alone in the parking lot. Jughead nods his head and walks to his motorcycle, placing the bag a side and straddling his bike and starts it but before he could drive off, Veronica Lodge is standing in front of him once again giving him a death stare "I'm fucking serious Jones, don't go anywhere near Betty." Veronica growls out to him "She's mine!" 

Jughead laughs in her face and nods his head at those words, making Veronica angrier than she already was "What's so fucking funny?" 

"The fact that you still believe that Betty is still yours." Jughead says truthfully "We all know Veronica that sooner rather than later Betty will be mine" He says to the raven haired girl, slipping out a cigarette and lighting it up "Now if you'll excuse me, I got shit to do" And with that he rides off without saying another word, leaving Veronica speechless by how upfront he was with his intentions but she always knew that he would be trouble, she knew from the moment he walked into Riverdale High. 

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