Chapter One

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Chapter 1

Amber- A Night Out...

Bodies were everywhere in the crowded room and were grinding against one another as Usher's "No Limit" blared through the speakers. Jessica had finally convinced me to have some real fun before the summer was over. Of course, her idea of having fun was drunken teenagers rubbing up against each other.

I sat in the secluded corner, sipping whatever concoction Jessica had made for me earlier tonight. She had disappeared with her boyfriend hours ago. I guess she expected me to blossom into some type of social butterfly while she was gone, but I knew just as well as everyone else that this wasn't my type of scene. I put the drink down on the corner table. I wasn't feeling the buzz it was giving me. I was hot, tired, and over this night out. I was beyond ready to go. This dress was getting on my last nerve. I could hardly move without it riding up. If I even dared to bend over, all my lady parts would be out for the world to see. I felt eyes on me, and I hated the fact that I couldn't find the person that was staring at me in the crowd.

I was getting annoyed and decided to go out in the backyard. I sat at the pool and set my heels next to me as I swayed my feet back and forth and let the cool sensation of the water soothe my sore feet. Lost in my own little world, I started to sing to myself.

"I knew I heard that voice somewhere."

I gasped and turned around to see him. He was one of the last people I wanted in my presence right now. Why was he out here? I didn't know. After all, it was his damn party. You would think he would be inside with his guests.

"Go away. I'm not in the mood today, Blake."

"I didn't think I would see you here. This isn't exactly your scene."

"And when exactly did it become yours?" I looked at his face. He looked so familiar, yet I still couldn't recognize the person I was talking to. He was nothing like the man he used to be.

"Come on. I'm not out here to hear all that damn attitude."

"Then what are you here for? If it's for more of your lame ass jokes, then please keep it moving."

"Damn, Amber, I'm here to say I'm sorry. I know I did a lot of fucked up shit to you! I'm just trying to make it right. I'm not cut out for this shit, man."

"What do you expect me to say, huh? Nobody made you choose the life that you're living. Your stupid ass chose to be in the shit you're in, so don't come crying to me about your bullshit."

"Look, I don't expect you to believe shit that leaves my mouth. If I were you, I wouldn't either. Just let me show that I'm sorry."

"Why should I give you a chance? You basically told me to fuck off. After all the shit that we went through together, you of all people should have known me be—" I was cut off as his lips pressed firmly against mine, and just like that, I was being pulled back in. All the memories we shared flashed through my mind: from the very first time we kissed til' the moment he broke my heart. Just the thought of watching him turning his back on me again frightened me.

I pulled away, pushing him away from me. I quickly got up, grabbed my things, and made my way inside, pushing my way through the crowd of people. As soon as I was outside, the cool, crisp air brushed across my face as I took in my surroundings. I began to make my way home. As I was walking, I could hear him walking behind me and yelling my name, but I wasn't up for this shit today. I should have just stayed my fast ass in the house.

"Man, come on, Amber. I know your ass hear me."

I stopped in my tracks as I felt the tight grip he held on my forearm. I turned to face him and tried my hardest not to cry in front of him. He didn't deserve to see any more of my tears. I was worth more than just a quick fuck, and I knew that's all he wanted.

"Look, just let me make this shit right. If you don't believe I've changed, then you never have to talk to me after tonight."

I was just like putty in his hands and allowed him to lead the way.

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