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I wake up from a loud noise coming from the kitchen downstairs. It sounds like juicer to me or maybe a grinder. I have never been able to distinguish the sound made by these two appliances. I can see that the sun is shining brightly from my room's window. I don't like sleeping in a dark room you know. I prefer when the moonlight lights my room at night. 

I grab my phone from the bedside table and check the time. It is already 8 in the morning. Now I realize why there was a noise coming from the kitchen. I get up and make my bed. I like keeping my room neat and clean mom says that I have OCD. I take a refreshing shower and come back to my room.

I open my wardrobe and I decide that I will dress up in casual today as I'm meeting my friends. I wear a pair of ash grey jeans and black tank top and do a light make up. I leave my hair because I love my curls and put on my black loafers. I grab my phone and my purse and head downstairs.

The entire hall is smelling so good. As I enter the kitchen, I can see that my mom is making pan cakes and I see fresh mango juice in the jug. 

"Morning mom" I greet her. 

"Morning sweetie, what are you doing down here?" she asks while continuing to make pancakes. "Don't you have a day off today?" she continues.

"Yes, actually I am going to Amber's place. She has called Claire as well and the three of us will spend few hours together.

She finally turns around. Her apron is smeared with flour. "I know, now don't give me that look" she says half smiling. "Why didn't you tell me that you were going to visit Amber today?" she asks looking at me.

"Sorry mom, you weren't there when I returned back yesterday and by the time you came, I was already asleep" I tell her.

"I made pancakes today but no problem, you can take it along to Amber's place if you want", she says turning around. 

"Okay" I say. 

She packs some pancakes and I grab my phone and purse from the table and walk towards the door.

"Charlotte" she calls after me from the kitchen's door.

"Yes, mom " I ask turning around.

"Don't forget to say hello from my side to Amber and Claire and do invite them for lunch next week" she says. 

"Okay, mom" I tell her and wave her goodbye and walk to the lawn. 

"And enjoy yourself " she says loudly.

I open the car's door and get inside. I sit down and take a deep breathe. I haven't told mom about my encounter with Cedric. I am very much aware that she will get worried because I still remember the way I had cried when our nearly 10 years friendship ended. I would hardly sleep or eat. She was extremely worried back then. It took almost 2 months for me to recover from that shock and pain.

I check the time, it is almost 9 and if I don't make it to Amber's place on time, she will get worried. It is only 30 minutes drive to Merced. So, I turn on the music and turn around the driveway.

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