A lot of things has taken place in past two weeks. Cedric remained absent for over a week, so I texted him to know why wasn't he attending his classes. I found out that he was suffering from fever and said he will be absent for another week. I volunteered in sending him all the assignments.
Scarlette texted me to inform that her parents won't be arriving until second week of September, so she will be staying at my place until then. My parents were glad and readily agreed. Though she is already a month late for fall semester at FPU because the session starts in July, the administration agreed to enroll her due to her good grades.
Cedric texted me last night to tell me that he is feeling better now and will be attending classes coming week. I am very glad seeing the way our friendship has developed over these two weeks. I am glad to be there for him.
Right now, I am waiting for Scarlette's arrival at Fresno Yosemite International Airport which is only 27 minutes drive from my place. She said that she will be arriving at half-past 2 in the afternoon. I check the time again. It is already half-past 2 and she should be here by now.
"Chari" I hear someone literally shouting my name from behind. I know whom does this voice belong to. I turn around and spot a tall slender fair-skinned girl with hip-length honey colored hair which curl up at the end waving at me.
She has honey colored eyes and is wearing a slim fit black pants and floral black top and high- heeled black pumps. I had only seen my best friend in video calls and had no idea that she has become really beautiful. She looks simply stunning. I am glad that I am dressed up elegantly as well. I am wearing black slim-fit pants, grey high-heeled pumps and gray top.
She runs towards me and literally jumps at me and gives me a tight hug.
"It is so good to see you Chari" she says pulling away and looking at me from top to bottom.
We are of the same height. She looks even more stunning.
"You look stunning Essie" I tell her.
"See who's talking" she says and rolls her eyes.
"Shall we get going" I ask her and she shakes her head in approval.
We drive out of airport.
"It's been 8 years and I can't believe it" she says.
"I know" I say.
"You remember Cedric" I ask her.
"Yes, I do" she says looking curiously at me.
By the time we reach home, I finish telling her everything that has taken place since my enrollment at FPU. Stefan opens the gate and is beaming. Scarlette was his favorite sister apart from me when he was small.
I park my car and we get out of my car and take out Scarlette's suitcases from the car's trunk.
"Stefan look at you" she says and pulls him into a tight hug.
"Hello Essie sissy" he says smiling.
Stefan carries Scarlette's suitcases and we walk inside.
Teen Fiction"It is better to be hated than to be ignored because it's like we don't exist at all and our presence holds no value." After...