Chapter one

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Magnus's POV

"Alec!" Magnus screamed as his boyfriend was dragged into a portal by the demon.

"Magnus!" Alec started to say something else but was cut off as the demon let out a horrible sound, and disappeared into the portal.

Jace ran up behind Magnus, tired and out of breath. "Where's Alec?" Magnus looked away from him to the bow and quiver that lay on the floor a few feet away, breathing heavily. Jace followed his gaze. "By the Angel," he muttered, picking up the bow. "What happened?"

"Portal. Demon. Alec's gone." Magnus whispered, blinking back tears.

"What do you mean, 'he's gone?'" Jace asked, knowing what he meant. All he knew was that Alec was alive. His parabatai rune was still there, glowing faintly. "We have to find him."

Just then, someone screamed in the distance.

"Isabelle and Clary." Magnus ran toward the sound, Jace right on his heels.

"Clary! Clary help!" Isabelle screamed.

She lay on the floor, her Stele a few feet away from her, stomach covered in blood. She held her whip in one hand, trying to keep the demon from ripping her throat out.

"Ah!" Clary shouted as she sliced her seraph blade through a demon, disintegrating it.

"Izzy!" Jace ran to help his sister, and Magnus ran for Clary. She was surrounded, nine demons standing all around her. Her sleeve was in shreds, blood soaking through the cloth. She sliced at the demons, with not much luck.

Magnus raised his hands, blue mist around his fingertips, and thrust them forward. The demons disintegrated on impact, and Clary was thrown backward. She hit a wall and passed out cold.


Magnus was pacing back and forth in Alec's office, Jace sitting on the couch in front of him. "Magnus, it' going to be okay. Clary and Isabelle are okay. Nothing an iratze couldn't fix."

"I'm just worried about Alec."

Jace took a deep breath. "Me too. But Alec is keen. And he's alive. I can feel it through our parabatai bond. "

"I know. It's just, if anything were to happen to Alec..."

Jace cut him off. "Hey. Everything's going to be okay. Alec is going to be okay." He looked as if he was trying to convince himself of this as well as Magnus.

"I sure hope so," Magnus whispered, not loud enough for Jace to hear.

Alec's POV

Alec woke up in a dark room with no windows. He reached for his Stele, only to realize it was missing. He stood up. Everything hurt. His head was pounding; his hands caked in a layer of blood; he was covered in scrapes and cuts. But he didn't care. He had to get out of here and find Jace and Magnus.

"Alexander Lightwood." A voice echoed overhead. "I see you finally woke up." One of the walls slid away, light gushing into the small space. Alec ran at the open wall, only to be blasted back by some kind of invisible ward.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" Alec asked, hoping he didn't sound as scared as he was. He couldn't show weakness. After all, he was head of the New York Institute. The voice chuckled. A hooded figure came into view on the other side of the ward, the hood covering their face.

"You don't recognize me?"

"If you took off that ridiculous hood," Alec grumbled. "Then, I might."

"Always so determined, Alec. I admire that."

"You called me Alec."

"Why wouldn't I? After all, you are my son." He pulled back his hood to reveal his face. Robert Lightwood.

"D-dad? What do you want from me? The Clave is going to be very upset with you."

"I know. But that doesn't matter. They will all be dead soon."


"That's right, son. I no longer take orders from the Clave."

"Dad, you can't possibly mean that! The Clave will have you deruned or worse!"

Robert didn't answer. After a while, he turned and walked away. "I'm sorry, Alec."

The door slammed shut behind him. Alec ran at the ward. "Ah!"The second he made contact with it; he was thrown across the small room against the wall. His shoulder hurt like crazy, but that wouldn't stop him. He ran at it again, and again he failed. He tried again and again, failing each time. Eventually, he gave up, and sat on the cold stone floor, his back against the wall. He closed his eyes. Maybe he could contact Jace through their parabatai bond. Jace. He thought. Jace, can you hear me? Nothing. Alec sighed and opened his eyes.

Alec? Alec, are you okay? Where are you? Jace spoke in his head. It worked!

I'm fine, Alec lied. Is Magnus...

Everyone here is okay. Izzy and Clary got injured, but they are fine. But that doesn't matter right now. Where are you? The Institute is a mess without a leader. You've been missing for two days.

Two days?!?

Yup. Jace popped the 'p.'

I-I don't know where I am. But I have to tell you something.

He was cut off by Robert walking into his little room with two masked guards. He lost concentration, therefore losing communication with Jace. The guards seized him by the arms and dragged him out of the cell. He tried to loosen their grip, but they were unbelievably strong.

"Let me go!" He struggled to get out of their grasp, with no luck. The guards chained him to a chair in the middle of a large room filled with weapons and other things. There was a gigantic screen on the wall in front of him.

"Are we ready?" Robert asked.

"Yes, sir." One of the guards replied.

The screen flickered, and an image of the institute appeared.

Robert gagged Alec. "Attention!" he shouted, getting everyone in the institute's attention. "If you ever want to see Alexander again, I suggest you cooperate."

"Alec!" Magnus ran up to the screen, followed by Jace, Izzy, and Clary. "Alec, are you okay?"

"He won't be if you don't listen to me." Robert sneered. One of the guards put a sword to Alec's throat. He pressed just hard enough for a line of blood to trickle down his neck.

"Don't you dare hurt him!" Izzy screamed. "What are you doing, Dad?"

"Where is the Soul Sword?"

"Like we're going to tell you!" Someone shouted from the crowd that had gathered behind them.

The guard pressed the sword a little deeper into his neck. More blood flowed down his throat, staining his white t-shirt.

"You have three days. After that, you can say goodbye to Alexander."

And then everything when dark. 

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