Chapter 3

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Jace's POV

"Uh, guys, where's Magnus?" Max said, turning away from the screen. 

Jace tunred around to find that Magnus was in fact gone. "He must have gone looking for Alec."

"Is he crazy? He's going to get himself killed!" Isabelle exclaimed. She turned on her heel, grabbed a few seraph blades and her whip, and ran out of the institute. 

Max grabbed a seraph blade as well, and tried to chase after Izzy, but Maryse grabbed his arm. "Max, losing you isn't going to help Alec."

"Come on, Mom! I would be fine! I'm top of my class! That time with Jonathan was just a mistake. I'm better now. I have been training." 

"No. You are not going. You don't seem to understand how dangerous this is. Think about Izzy. What would she do if she lost both her brothers?"

"Maryse has a point, Max." Jace cut in.

"But she wouldn't lose either of us! We could go kick the bad guy's butts, save Alec, and then go get Chinese food! It would be great."

"You are not going and that's final." 

Max sighed. "Fine. But one day you are going to have to let me go on a mission. And you better save Alec." 

Jace smiled. "I promise Alec is going to be okay." And with that, he turned and ran after Izzy. 

By the time he burst through the doors of the institute, Izzy was already halfway down the street. "Hey, Iz, wait up!"

When he finally caught up with her, she said, "Took you long enough. But look. Magnus was here." She pointed to a small bit of glitter on the road. 

"That could literally be from anything."

"Who else do you know that wears enough glitter that a clump of it would fall onto the road?" 

"Good point. Let's go."  They tried to track Magnus with the glitter, but didn't get a signal. They tried to track Alec with the parabatia rune, but again, they had no such luck. The tracking wasn't working. All Jace knew was that Alec was alive. And that was all that mattered. 

Alec's POV

Alec tried not to cry. But with Magnus limp in his arms, covered in blood, he couldn't hold back the tears. He held the warlock close. "Magnus, I can't lose you." He whispered between tears. "I won't lose you. Please. You can't leave me. I couldn't live without you."

"Alec." Magnus barely managed the word. "Alec, I love you." He took a shallow breath. Using all of his strength, he pulled his boyfriend in for one last kiss. 

"Magnus..." Alec couldn't finish his sentence. He just stared into those beautiful eyes of Magnus's until they slid shut. He would see them again. He just had to. 

Robert came into view on the other side of the glass wall. "Alec, I'm sorry. I know how much he meant to you."

Alec looked up to face his father. "Then why did you do it?" Alec raised his voice with each word until it was a harsh and unforgiving shout. "You know he is everything to me! I can't live without him!" He didn't bother to wipe the tears streaming down his face. He still held Magnus in his arms, unconscious, but still breathing, just barely.  "First you cheat on Mom, then you... you turn on the Clave, betray your family, and you..." 

"I didn't betray you, Alec. I betrayed the Clave. Now I realize that Valentine was right all along. This world would be better without the downworlders."

"How could you?!" 


"I am not your son! Not anymore! My father is Robert Lightwood, the kind yet stubborn father who taught me to be the best I could. Not some downworlder-killing maniac."

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