Chapter 6

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Three days later...

Alec's POV

"Oh, come on Magnus." Alec sighed. "I was going to surprise you with breakfast."

"There's no need. I've got it covered." He snapped and suddenly the table was covered in an endless amount of pancakes and orange juice. "You need to take it easy. Besides, I know you love pancakes."

"I do love pancakes." He smiled. Magnus pulled out a chair and Alec sat down in it. Magnus sat across the table from him. He was wearing nothing but sweatpants, as he had just rolled out of bed to chase after Alec. Alec had on a loose t-shirt and plaid pajama pants. They didn't match at all. 

"You're so cute, Alexander." Magnus reached over and pinched his cheek lightly. 

"I'm not cute!" Alec protested. "I'm terrifying! I kill flipping demons for a living!"

Magnus laughed. "Oh, I'm sorry," he said playfully. "You are absolutely terrifying. How dare I call the killer of demons cute."

"That's better." Alec looked satisfied. He took a bite of one of his pancakes and his eyes lit up. "Oh my god. These are amazing! You're going to have to make breakfast more often!"

"I wouldn't call it 'making breakfast.' It's more like, 'snapping breakfast into existence.'"

"Well, whatever. I don't care how you made it. It's so good."

"What if I told you it had cow poop in it?"

Alec coughed and spit out a piece of pancake. He grabbed a cup of orange juice and chugged the whole thing. "Eww! Magnus!"

"I'm joking! There's no cow poop in there." Alec death-stared him before taking another bite of pancake. 

Alec tried to look angry, but instead sighed and grumbled, "Ugh! This is so annoying! I can't stay mad at you! You're just too amazing!"

Magnus blushed. "I know, I am amazing, Alexander. But I know someone who is even more amazing."

"Really?" Alec looked skeptical. "Who?"

"You," Magnus answered with a smug smile. 

Alec's head was pounding. He knew he wasn't acting like himself, but he was hoping Magnus wouldn't notice. Maybe if he just acted really happy, Magnus wouldn't think anything was wrong. He didn't want to worry the warlock. It didn't work.

"Alec, are you okay?" Magnus reached across the table. "You seem a little... off."

"I'm fine, Magnus." He lied. "There's nothing to worry about."


"Okay?" He hadn't expected him to let it go this easily. 

"You said you're okay, and I believe you."

"Oh. Good, then." He sighed in relief. One less thing to worry about. "Well, I should get going. I haven't been to the institute in like, a week."

"Alexander, you know you have to rest. Only three days ago..."

"I know. And I'm sorry for scaring you. But I'm fine now, I promise." He kissed Magnus on the cheek before grabbing a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt from the closet. He took off his shirt and slid the black one over his head. 

"Alec. I said no." Magnus crossed his arms over his chest. 

Alec slipped into the jeans. He grabbed his bow and quiver from the living room table and headed to the door, ignoring his boyfriend.

"Alec," Magnus said again. "You're not strong enough to go out."

"Yes, I am." He opened the front door and stepped outside. 

Magnus grabbed his arm. "Don't make me force you back onto the couch. I know there's something wrong. And it's not just from your injuries."

Alec turned to face his boyfriend. "I don't know what you're talking about. Now if you'll excuse me, I really have to go."

Magnus sighed. "As you wish." Alec slid his quiver over his shoulder and shut the door behind him, leaving Magnus alone in his apartment. He felt bad, but this was something Magnus couldn't do with him. 

Magnus's POV

The second Alec walked out the door, Magnus snapped his fingers. The door re-opened and Alec turned around. "I told you to not make me force you. But you didn't listen." Magnus sighed as he magically pushed the shadowhunter back into his apartment. 

"Magnus! Really?"

Magnus sighed. "I'm sorry, Alexander. It's just... seeing you lying on the floor, covered in blood and not breathing..." He reached and wiped a tear that had escaped his eye. "I can't lose you, Alec."

Alec's expression softened. "Oh, Magnus." He wrapped his arms around him, pulling him in close. "I know. But I'm here now. I'm okay now."

More tears were streaming down Magnus's face. "I know." Was all he said.

"I'll stay." Alec pulled away from their hug and slid his quiver off of his shoulder and placed it in the corner by the door along with the bow. He slipped out of his jacket and hung it on the coat rack. "I'm so sorry, Magnus. I really am."

"What happened?" Magnus asked.


"How did you get away?" 

"Oh. It's kind of a long story."

"We have nothing but time."

Alec sighed.  "Okay." They sat down on the couch.  "After they threw you out, they um, how do I put this..."

"Tortured you? I know. They sent a video. I'm so sorry you had to go through that." The video replayed in Magnus's head. He shuddered. 

"Yeah. It's not really a big deal..."

"Yes it is! Alec, I know you're Head of the New York Institute, but that doesn't mean you have to be all tough and stuff."

"Anyway," Alec ignored Magnus. "So after that, they put me back in that cell. When I woke up, Robert came in. He told me that you were dead.  He said he went into the alley to get you but you were already dead. He didn't look at me. He was facing the glass wall, but I could see the reflection of his face. He looked emotionless. I didn't know what to think." He paused. Magnus didn't know what to say. He couldn't think straight. All he knew was that Robert needed to pay for his actions. Alec continued. "He told me to get up. But I pretended like I was too weak. So when he started talking about how I should join him and blah blah blah, I got up and ran out the open door. He didn't even notice until one of the guards saw me running across the street outside. I didn't look back. I just kept running. Eventually I couldn't run anymore. I collapsed on the street and the next thing I know, I'm in a mundane hospital. I tried to leave, but the doctors said I couldn't so they put me under amnesia so I wouldn't leave on my own. And then I heard your voice, and suddenly everything seems like it's going to be okay." He smiled.

Magnus was blushing. He wanted to squeeze Alec and never let go, never let anything bad happen to him ever again. He wanted to stay here in this moment, where they were safe together, listening to the light sound of the rain outside, watching as the sun rises over the many buildings of the city. 

"Oh, Alexander. I..."

He didn't finish his sentence before Jace and Isabelle burst through the door, soaked and out of breath. 

"It's Jonathan. He's escaped." Jace said. "And he has Clary."

A/N: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA CLIFF HANGER!!!! Honestly, I have no idea where I'm going with this I just make it up as I write so I don't know what's going to happen. So I don't like this either. Anyway, thanks for reading this far! Comment below what you think will happen next!                                                                               


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