Chapter 5

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Alec's POV

"I think he's waking up." Someone said. 

Alec opened his eyes to see a group of doctors. He was in a room with pale blue walls, connected to a bunch of different machines. How did he get here? The last thing he remembered was running from Robert...

"What's your name, Hon?" One of the doctors asked. She was tall with blue eyes and long blonde hair. 

"A-Alexander Lightwood." He choked out the words. 

"Okay, Alexander. I'm Doctor Rue. You lost a lot of blood. Can you tell me what hurts?" That's when Alec realized what was happening. He was in a mundane hospital. 

"I have to get out of here. I'm fine, really." He pulled a needle out of his arm and sat up. 

"Mr.Lightwood," A few of the doctors pushed him back onto the bed. "You are in no condition to get out of this bed." 

"Seriously guys, I'm fine. I really have to get going."

"Oh no, you don't." Doctor Rue said. The other doctors held Alec down while Doctor Rue strapped a mask over his mouth and nose. 

"Listen, you have to let me out of here! I have to get to Magnus."

"Magnus can wait." 

"Magnus got stabbed in the back with a knife. You have to let me..." He didn't finish his sentence. The gas flooding into his lungs from the mask made him drowsy. His eyes started to droop. He tried to stay awake, but it was no use. His eyes slid shut.

"Nurse Jones!" Doctore Rue called. "Find a list of relatives of Alexander Lightwood."

"I'm on it!" Another voice called back. Alec tried to open his eyes. Images of Magnus flashed across the inside of his eyelids. Magnus. He had to get to Magnus. 

"Hello?" he heard someone say. "Mrs. Lightwood, your son Alexander was involved in some kind of accident and is now in the hospital." She paused. "Yes Ma'am. No. Okay, bye-bye now." Then something beeped and clicked. "Let's see..." Nurse Jones muttered. "Isabelle Lightwood, sister. Jace Herondale, adopted brother. Robert Lightwood, father. Magnus Bane. Closest friend." 

Closest friend? Alec wondered. He's way more than a close friend.

Nurse Jones made a few more calls. When she got around to calling Magnus, Alec heard the unmistakable sound of his voicemail. 

"You've reached Magnus Bane. Please don't leave a message. I'm centuries old and even I think they're outdated." The nurse sighed and hung up. 

"Did you call his family?" Doctor Rue asked. 

"Yes, but Magnus Bane didn't answer."

"Magnus. The kid said he was stabbed in the back with a knife. The poor thing. No one should have to go through that." She replied. 

Magnus's POV

When Magnus woke up, he was in the Institute's infirmary. No one else was in there. He had an IV in his arm and it was pumping some sort of fluid into his vein. 

"Alexander," he said aloud. "I have to get to Alexander." he pulled the needle out of his arm and swung his legs out of bed. He was a little lightheaded, but that wouldn't stop him. He snapped his fingers into a decent outfit and ran into the hallway. He ran to the room with all of the screens. It was empty. No one was there. Had something happened? He walked over to one of the screens that was flashing red. The words read; "New York News." He clicked play on the video.

"The boy from earlier today was identified as Alexander Lightwood. We have called his family members and..." Magnus turned it off. Alec was on the news. In a mundane hospital. He had to get to him. He raised his hands and created a portal. He stepped into it and stepped out a few seconds later in front of the New York hospital. He opened the door and stepped inside. 

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