Chapter 20

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Isabelle's POV

The vampires had just arrived, and the fight was looking a lot better. The fight still continued all around them, but the world seemed to freeze around her. All she could focus on was the fact that her home was burning, and her brother was still inside. 

Max. The thought crossed her mind and immediately she started to panic.

"Where's Max?" She asked Jace.

"He's safe. Maryse took him to Magnus's loft." Jace replied. 

"Good," Izzy said, snapping her whip. With the vampires speeding around her, she couldn't tell who was still fighting, and who was dead. 

She heard a howl and turned around to find that the werewolves had arrived. Maia stood in front of them all, her eyes glowing green. Isabelle watched as they all transformed into wolf-form, and jumped into the battle. 

Isabelle snapped the whip into a bo staff, stabbing an enemy shadowhunter that was running near her. 

Another loud crash came from the Institute, and one of the walls collapsed. Then something caught her eye.

Two figures appeared in the smoke, coming out of the fire. 

"Alec!" Izzy ran over to them. Both of their shirts had burned off, their skin was covered in a thick coat of ash and soot. 

Alec coughed. "I told you I would be fine." 

Magnus yelled, "Duck!" Then shot a burst of magic over Isabelle's head. She turned just in time to see at least a dozen circle members fall to the ground. 

"I'm guessing you didn't have time to contact the other Institutes?" Isabelle asked. 

"No, but it looks to me like we might actually be winning," Magnus answered, coughing in between words. 

He was right. There were only about twenty or thirty enemies left, and most of the vampires and wolves still remained. The number of shadowhunters had drastically decreased. Looking around at the dead bodies of the people Isabelle grew up with, the people she trained with, brought tears to her eyes. 

"Where is Jonathan?" Alec asked. 

"I don't know," Izzy replied. "He only showed up for a second, then just vanished."

"We have to find him."

Jace's POV

As he looked around, he realized he had just killed their last enemy. But Jonathan was still nowhere to be seen. And neither was the Seelie Queen. The wolves were running behind something and walked out as humans moments later. They must have all brought a change of clothes. Smart. 

"Is that it?" Maia asked, walking up to him.

"I... I think so."

Magnus was running back and forth, shooting blue magic at the fires to put them out. Once the fires were gone, Jace could see the damage more clearly. 

"How many of us are left?" He whispered to himself. 

Simon zipped right over to him. "I counted," He said. "There's forty-three dead shadowhunters, four werewolves, and Vampires don't leave bodies, so..."

"Forty-three?" Jace asked. There were only around sixty shadowhunters at the New York Institute. That left what, seventeen of them?

Something tingled in the back of his mind. "Alec." He said before running off in Alec's direction. 

"There you are, Jace." Jonathan smiled at him. He had his sword trained over Alec's chest.

"If any of you make a move, he dies." Jace froze. 

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