Chapter 4

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Magnus's POV

When the guards threw him outside, he knew this was his chance. He had to get to the institute, find Clary and Jace and Isabelle, and bring them here. He raised his hands to create a portal. Little sparks shot from his fingertips. They were weak. Too weak to be of any use. So he stumbled to his feet and started walking. He only made it a few blocks down when he collapsed. His head was pounding. He was losing too much blood. It had started raining about ten minutes ago. As Magnus lay on the wet cobblestone road, the rain came down harder and harder, washing his blood away with the water. He couldn't move. He was too weak. He couldn't even yell for help. But he couldn't die. If he did, he would let Alexander down. And he couldn't do that. 

"Alec.." He choked out the word. His vision was fogging, getting blurrier and blurrier until he thought he was hallucinating. 

Two dark shapes were approaching him from quite a distance. "Is that Magnus?" One of the shapes said. 

"I think so." The other one said before breaking into a run. Magnus closed his eyes. He felt hands on his face. "By the Angel," Magnus recognized the voice as Isabelle Lightwood. "Magnus, what happened?"    

"Alec..." Magnus whispered.   

"Where is he? Do you know?" The other shape, Jace asked. 

Magnus tried to answer, but instead lost consciousness. 

Alec's POV

"Oh crap. Crap. Crap. Crap!" Alec heard someone say. The voice sounded far away. "Crap. Maybe that last shock was a little too strong..."

"What do you mean?" Another voice asked. "You didn't kill him, did you? Robert will have our heads if you did."

"I don't feel a pulse." The first voice replied. "He's not breathing." 

They were right. Alec wasn't breathing. And the voices were getting quieter and quieter until he could just barely hear someone say, "Someone get a stele. We could try the Iratze rune."

After that, Alec couldn't hear anything. His mind was like a shadow wandering around in endless darkness. Then he felt a warm sensation on his side, where his Iratze was. His eyes flew open and he gasped for breath. 

"Oh, yay! He's alive. Does that mean we can keep torturing him?"

"No, that'll be enough for now," Robert said from a balcony overlooking the room. He jumped and landed on both feet.  "You thought I wouldn't find out that his heart stopped? I can see you from my office, you know." He pointed to the cameras in each corner of the room. "Now, let's see how much of that you got on video."

Turns out, they got all of it on video.

"Perfect. Send it to the New York institute. They need to see their leader suffer."

"Wait, he's the leader? He's just a kid though!" Lacey pointed out.

"And?" Alec asked. "Besides, I'm not a kid."

"I trained him well. He might be the best this institute has ever seen."

 Alec snorted weakly."I don't know about that. I managed to get kidnapped by a demon, so obviously I'm not too great."

Robert smirked. "But if his heart did actually stop that Iratze won't do much to help him. So no more torture for now. If he dies, we lose our only bargaining chip."

"And your eldest son," Alec grumbled, not loud enough for anyone but himself to hear. But Robert was right. The Iratze wasn't helping too much. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. The pain was coming back.

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