Chapter 8

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Magnus's POV

"No, no, no," Magnus said, walking over to the couch and running his hand over it. "He's gone."

"What do you mean, he's gone?" Robert demanded.

"You know perfectly well what I mean." Magnus scowled. "I swear to the angel if you had anything to do with this I will..."

"You'll do what? Magnus, how could I have even done anything? I was at the institute with you."

"You didn't see the videos," Magnus whispered. "You didn't see what happened to him."

"Listen, I love Alec as much as you do. He's my eldest son. But standing here yelling at each other isn't helping anybody."

Magnus sighed. "You're right. We have to find him."

"Show me these videos," Robert said. 

Magnus waved his hands in front of him, creating a screen that seemed to be made from mist. The second the video started playing, he turned away. He couldn't bare watching this again. 

"Ann," Robert said when the video ended. 

"Who?" Magnus asked, slicing through the screen with his hand, causing it to disappear. 

"The girl... the girl I left Maryse for."


"She said... she said if I didn't help her she would hurt the people I cared about the most. But I've never told her about Alec and Isabelle..."

"What? What did she want you to do?" 

"Betray the Clave. Join the circle. "

"Valentine is dead." Magnus paused.  "She's a circle member?"

"I didn't know. She wasn't in the circle when I was. Or at least I never saw her there." 

"Well, we better get going." He picked up one of Alec's T-shirts and threw it to Robert. "Track him." He said, picking up another T-shirt. "Let's see if either of us can get a signal."

Isabelle's POV

Jace was sitting on the floor, his back against the wall, groaning. 

"Jace," Isabelle said. "Jace, what is it?" She lifted the corner of his shirt to see his Parabatai rune glowing. "Again?"

"Alec's in trouble." 

"Thanks Captain Obvious. I couldn't have figured that out on my own." 

Jace rolled his eyes and stood up, trying to ignore the pain in his chest. "Come on. We have to find him."

"But what about Clary?"

"What about me?" Isabelle whipped around to find Clary standing behind her, her twin daggers in hand. Her face and arms were covered in small cuts. Her shirt was stained in blood. 

"Oh my god," Isabelle said. 

"Don't worry. It's not my blood. It's from a bunch of circle members."

"Circle members? But Valentine is dead."

"Yeah, well." She paused. "Some shadowhunters believe that he will come back again. Somehow."

"You can't bring someone back from the dead," Isabelle said. Then she looked at Jace. "Oh, never mind. We're screwed." 

Alec's POV 

"Now I know how Simon felt getting kidnapped all the time," Alec said, rubbing his head. When he pulled his hand away, it was wet with blood. "Great. Magnus is going to kill me if this keeps happening." He was in a large room, with three windows and a door, a curtain covering one of the far corners. And for some reason, he wasn't wearing a shirt. 

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