Chapter 13

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A/N: That picture!!! Okay now to the story...

Magnus's POV

Magnus was pacing back and forth in his living room. Alec had left hours ago, and he still hadn't heard anything. A fire message flew in through his open window, and he caught it without turning around. He expected it to be from Alexander, but instead saw Isabelle's elegant handwriting. 

Dear Magnus,

The Clave accused Alec of taking the mortal cup, even know they have NO EVIDENCE. Those stupid A-holes. They threw him in the Gard. His trial is tomorrow and when the truth comes out and they realize this was all a mistake, they should let him go.

Love, Izzy

"They did what?!?" Magnus let out a series of curses. "I'm going there right now," he grumbled, forming a portal. Just as he stepped through it, someone grabbed his arm. He whirled around, his hands already alive with magic. 

"Magnus, calm down. It's just me." Magnus found himself staring into his favorite pair of eyes.

"Alec?" He stuttered. "But... they said you were in the Gard!"

"The Gard? No."

"Then what did Jia want?" 

"Just the reports. I forgot to turn them in this week."

"Oh," Magnus couldn't decide whether he should be relieved or suspicious. "Couldn't she have just called you? Or sent you a fire message?" Magnus said as he closed the portal.

"The Clave is weird," Alec answered simply, his face expressionless. 

"Alexander, are you okay?" Magnus reached out to touch his cheek, but Alec turned around quickly. 

"I'm fine," He said. His voice sounded a tiny bit different, like he hadn't spoken in a while. "Just tired. I'm going to the Institute."

"The Institute?"


"Alexander, you know you're always welcome to sleep here."

"No, thanks." He said before walking out the front door. Magnus watched as he pushed it shut behind him. Something was up. And he was going to get to the bottom of it.

Isabelle's POV

"Clary, catch!" Isabelle yelled, tossing her a seraph blade. 

"Thanks," She yelled back, stabbing a demon through the chest and disintegrating it with her hand-sunlight. 

Isabelle watched as her whip curled around a demon's neck, slicing its head of clean. She snapped her whip, turning it into a bo staff. She twirled it around in her hands, waiting for the next demon to finally get the guts to attack her. She was back to back with Clary, in the middle of the street. 

"Ugh!" Isabelle whirled around. 

"Clary!" She said, running over to the redhead. "Clary, are you okay?" 

Clary bit her bloody lip. "I'm fine," She said, standing up and brushing her hands on her jeans before slicing through another demon. "Just got hit in the face by a tail. No big deal," She reached for her stele, tracing over her Iratze rune. Immediately the blood on her face disappeared. "Watch out!"

Isabelle pushed her bo staff behind her, and heard a scream. She turned around just as the demon burned away into ash. 

"Is that all of them?" Isabelle asked. 

"I think so," Clary said, reluctantly sliding her seraph blade onto her belt.

"Good. Let's go shopping. I still need to get Alec a birthday present. the mall isn't far from here."

"Shadowhunters go to the mall?"

"No, of course not. All of my outfits just appear in my closet." She rolled her eyes. "Yes, Clary. Shadowhunters go to the mall too."

"Okay then," Clary said, a small smile on her face. She hadn't been to the mall since... she couldn't even remember when. "Let's go."

Hi! I know this chapter is REALLY short. Only like 570 words. But my grandparents just got here and I've been cleaning all day, so I may or may not have completely forgotten to update. So I just wrote a quick little blurb. Once again, I didn't read this over so sorry for any typos.  I promise I'll make it up tomorrow with two chapters! I love y'all! 


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