Chapter 18

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A/N: Watch the video. I love it. I don't even know why. It's only like 3 minutes long. Also, I don't own it or anything. I just found it on YouTube. 

Magnus's POV

The morning sun was shining through the window, lighting up the room. Alec was still asleep, laying on his side and facing Magnus. Today was Alec's birthday. And Magnus was supposed to keep him away from the Institute until later today. 

Magnus reached out to play with Alec's hair. It was incredibly soft. His eyes fluttered open and a small smile spread across his face. 

"Good morning," He said.

"Good morning," Magnus replied. The sun was shining at just the perfect angle, making his skin seem like it was glowing, his eyes twinkling like stars. Magnus sat up, snapping a tray of eggs, bacon, toast, and orange juice onto Alec's lap. He sat up too, surprised. 

"What's all this for?" He asked. 

"It's your birthday," Magnus said.

"It is?" 

"Yeah, September 12th, right?" He was going to be really embarrassed if he had gotten that wrong.

"Yes, actually. I can't believe it's already September." 

"Me neither," 

"What time is it?" Alec asked, rubbing his eye. 

Magnus grabbed his phone from the nightstand and turned it all. "Nine forty-four."

Alec jumped up. "I have to get to the Institute."

Magnus jumped up when he did. "Alexander, you're off today. Jace said he has everything under control."

Jace's POV

Jace did not have everything under control. The Institute was a complete mess, people running around with their arms full of decorations and birthday presents. There were only about twenty people there, but it was still pretty crazy. Everyone else was out hunting. Isabelle had gone out to get the cake, leaving Jace in charge. Probably the worst decision she's ever made. 

Max had convinced Isabelle to just buy a cake this year instead of giving him a blob of flour and a huge mess to clean up. And now Max was trying to help set up the party. He was in the cafeteria, throwing blue table cloths over every table. Jace had at least a dozen balloons in his hand. He didn't know where to put them. 

"Jace, give me those." Clary walked up to him. He gratefully handed her the balloons, and she ran off with them. 

And people thought killing Valentine was hard, Jace thought sarcastically. They must have never put together a surprise party. 

Isabelle burst through the door, a box the size of Jace's bedside table in her arms. 

"Is that the cake?" Jace asked. "It's huge.

"The Institute is huge," Izzy replied. "Lots of mouths to feed. Plus a few others. Dad's coming from the Los Angeles Institute. Maybe Imogen too,"

"Imogen? As in Inquisitor Herondale?"

"Yes," then she paused. "And by the way, she's the consul now."

"What?" Jace exclaimed. "Since when?" 

"Alec told me yesterday. I'm surprised you didn't know."

Jace's phone rang in his back pocket. He grabbed it and answered the call.


"Jace, it's Magnus. Alec has been trying to go to the Institute and I don't know how long I can keep him here. I need help."

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