Chapter 9

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Alec's POV

"Alec, take this."Robert handed him a stele. 

"Thanks." Alec took it and traced over his Iratze. He felt better immediately. "Um..." 

"I got you," Magnus said, snapping his fingers. Alec's bow and quiver appeared in hands, along with a seraph blade. 

Alec smiled. "This should be fun." 

Magnus raised his hands, magic surrounding his fingertips. Robert drew his seraph blade. 

Jonathan just stood there, smiling. "How cute. You guys think you can beat me?" 

"It's worth a shot," Alec said, pulling back an arrow and releasing it. It hit Jonothan in the stomach. He simply pulled it out and threw it to the floor.

"Was that pun intended?" Magnus whispered. 


"You said 'it's worth a shot,' then you shot the arrow..." He sighed. "Nevermind."

Jonathan took a step forward, his eyes turning all black. He stared at them. "This is going to be too easy."

Robert ran forward, his seraph blade in hand. He slashed at Jonathan's chest, then stabbed him in the stomach. He didn't even wince. Jonathan was still smiling. Alec let go of another three arrows, each one finding its way into Jonathan's stomach. 

"Uh, guys?" Magnus said. He was looking behind Alec. "We might have bigger problems to worry about."

Alec turned around and saw what he meant. Dozens of people were flooding in from the back door, each one holding a glowing seraph blade in their hand. 

The one in the front smiled. "Long live the circle!" He yelled. The rest of the crowd cheered and ran into battle.

Clary's POV

"Come on," Clary said. "I know where Alec is. It's a trap. And Magnus and Alec are going to need all the help they can get."

She started running down the street, Jace and Isabelle right on her heels. She turned around a corner, ran in between buildings, turned another corner, and finally stopped in front of a small warehouse. 

"Is this it?" Isabelle asked.

Clary nodded. "Be ready. There's no telling how many circle members are in there." As soon as they opened the door, they could hear people shouting and blades slamming against each other. Flashes of blue and red light came from an opening at the end of the hallway.  They ran through the narrow hallway into a large room.

Clary caught her breath. Alec, Robert, and Magnus were standing in a circle, back to back, surrounded by dozens of circle members. Magnus was blasting people with his magic, Alec had his bow, firing arrows at anyone he could. Robert was going blade-on-blade with three buff-looking dudes. By the looks of it, they were losing. 

Clary raised her twin blades and shouted, "Hey! Over here!"

She heard Izzy snap her whip, and Jace pulling out his seraph blades. 

About half of the circle members turned to face them. Sure, they were outnumbered like ten to one, but they worked well together. Alone, we are strong. Together, we are unstoppable. Clary thought. 

Two people ran at Clary, blades in hand. One of them slashed at her side, and she used one of her blades to block it, using the other to stab the girl in the stomach. She fell to the ground, coughing out blood. 

The other guy looked to be in his early thirties. He had a scar running from his eye to his jaw. His teeth were yellow and crooked when he smiled. He jabbed at Clary, who narrowly dodged. Behind her, Jace was facing off with three more circle members, smiling and obviously winning. Clary whipped around, spinning on her heel, swiping her blade against her opponent's throat. He fell to the ground. The second he was dead, another group charged at her. One of them knocked one of her blades out of her hand, and it slid across the floor, hitting the far wall. Clary turned to find even more people nearing her. She raised her blade, but she was surrounded. She stabbed two guys at once, each of them falling to the ground. She knocked a blade out of another's hand, catching it.  Someone stabbed her in the shoulder from behind. She shouted out, mostly in surprise, and dropped the blade she had just taken. Just before he could stab her again, an arrow sprouted from his forehead, and he crumbled to the ground. Alec stood behind him, smiling. 

"Need some help?" He asked. 

"That would be nice," Clary replied. They stood back to back,  shooting arrows and flinging blades. Someone's sword found it's way into Clary's arm, and she quickly pulled it out, sliting the owner's throat. "Ah." She said, wincing.

"You good?" Alec asked, loading another arrow without looking at her. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." She traced over her Iratze quickly, watching her wounds disappear. 

"Crap. I'm almost out of arrows." Alec said. 

"Hold up." She panted. "I'll get you some." She ran off in the opposite direction, running past people on the floor, pulling the arrows out of them. She did a full circle around the room, handing Alec about twenty of his arrows. 

"Thanks," He said, grabbing them and slipping them into his quiver. They were sticky with blood, but they were still sharp. 

"Close your eyes!" Magnus shouted over the noise. Alec and Clary obeyed, squeezing their eyes shut. There was a bright flash of light. Clary opened her eyes. The circle members all lay on the floor, dead. Magnus collapsed. 

"Magnus!" Alec ran over to him, catching him right before he hit the floor. 

"I'm okay, Alexander. That just used a lot of my energy." He smiled. 

"Is everyone okay?" Isabelle asked. It was now silent in the room. Seconds later, Simon ran into the room with Luke right on his heels. 

"Woah," Simon said. "I see you guys have everything under control then."

"Where's Jonathan?" Alec was looking around the room, now sitting on the floor with Magnus, who was leaning against his chest. 

"He must have gotten away," Robert said, wincing. 

"Dad, you're hurt." Isabelle noticed, walking over to him. 

"I'm fine." He said. "Nothing an Iratze can't fix." 

Isabelle pulled her stele from her back pocket and traced over his Iratze. The cut on his stomach faded. 

"See?" He paused. "I'm fine." 

"This isn't over, Clary!" Jonathan's voice echoed throughout the room. 

"Show your face, Jonathan!" Clary yelled. Jonathan just laughed. It echoed through the room, and there was a loud bang. The lights went out. 

"Let's get out of here," Simon said. "It's creepy.

"I can't believe I'm saying this," Jace grumbled, "But the daylighter's right. Let's get out of here."

Helloooooooo!!!! Okay, so I ended up not having any romantic Malec scenes in this chapter but I promise they will happen. Thanks for reading! If you liked this chapter don't forget to vote and comment. It's now been a year and 2 days since Malec got engaged. So YAY!!! Anyway, I'll try to update as soon as I can, and who knows? Maybe I can get the next chapter out today! But no promises.  MALEC IS LIFE!!!

                        Okay, I'll shut up now. 


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