Chapter 12

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Some creepy place in the middle of nowhere...

"They won't see it coming," Jonothan said, "They'll all be dead in a matter of minutes if we're lucky."

"That's a brilliant plan, Jonathan." the Seelie Queen whispered, walking around him in circles. "But don't you think we'll be a bit outnumbered?"

"Don't worry about that." He smiled. "I've got hundreds of demons. And a few of Valentine's old experiments."

"So you want the Seelie knights, the circle members, demons, and experiments to all work together?"

"It will be easy to get them to cooperate once I show them this," He reached into a small box at his feet, and pulled out the mortal cup. "In a few days, we attack the New York Institute. I heard there's going to be a birthday party on September 12th."

The Seelie queened smiled. "The Shadowhunters will be totally off guard."


Alec's POV

"Magnus, the Clave says I have to report to Idris, like, right now." Alec sighed, pulling away from his boyfriend and setting his phone on the nightstand. 

"But, Alexander..." 

"Trust me, I don't want to go either. But when Consul Jia gives you direct orders, you kind of have to listen." Alec slid into a pair of jeans and a light blue t-shirt. 

"At least let me portal you to the Institute," Magnus said, snapping his fingers into some clothes. He formed a portal in front of Alec, who turned around and gave him a light peck on the lips. 

"Thanks, Mags." He smiled. "I'll fire message you if anything happens."

"Just... just be careful, Alexander."

"Hey, don't worry. I'm not Jace." He chuckled before stepping through the portal. In a matter of seconds, he found himself standing in his office in the institute. Consul Gia waited there for him, along with several guards and a warlock. 

"Come, Mr.Lightwood," Jia said. "We have some important matters to discuss."

He followed her through the other portal, stepping out to find himself in Alicante, in the Penhallow mansion. He had been here several times before, but never for business reasons. Aline was sitting on one of the couches. She looked up from her book when they stepped inside, and gave Alec a small smile. He followed Jia into her office. She slammed the door shut behind them, locking it. 

"Sit," Jia said, pointing to a chair in front of the desk. Jia sat in the chair behind the desk. "Mr. Lightwood, The Mortal Cup has gone missing."

"What?!" Alec's eyes widened to about three times their normal size. 

"And the Clave has reason to believe that you have something to do with it."

Alec couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You think I took the Mortal Cup?"

"You were seen in near the scene minutes after it happened."

"I-what?" Alec was confused. "When did this happen?"

"Yesterday evening."

"I was with Magnus. We were..." He paused when he remembered what they had been doing yesterday evening. "We were making dinner." 

"I believe you, Alec, but the rest Clave doesn't. I know you didn't do this. I'm sorry, but," She took a deep breath, pulling handcuffs from her back pocket. "Alexander Lightwood, I'm placing you under arrest."

Alec stood up. "You can't be serious." 

"Mr. Lightwood, I suggest you cooperate. If you truly are innocent, you may return back to your institute. But for now, I'll have to place you in the Gard until your trail by the Soul Sword."

Alec sighed. He knew she was right. If he didn't cooperate, things could get much, much, worse. He held out his hands. "Fine,"

Jia smiled and locked the cuffs around his wrist. Jia placed her hand on Alec's shoulder, leading him out of the office. When they passed Aline, Helen was now sitting next to her. They both jumped up from the couch when they saw them. 

"Mom! What are you doing? You can't arrest Alec!" Aline shouted. Alec looked at his feet and kept walking. Jia also ignored the girl. 

Aline followed them. "What could he have possibly done?" 

"Aline," Helen said, placing her hand on her girlfriend's arm. "There's nothing we can do about it." 

When Alec and Gia stepped out of the house, a group of guards immediately grabbed his arms, each holding a crossbow with seraph blades hanging from their belts. They walked on like that for a while, until they reached the Gard. Jia traced over his hands with her stele, unlocking the handcuffs. The guards took his stele, bow, and quiver, and roughly tossed him into a cell, slamming the bar shut behind him, and left. 

It was dark, the only light coming from a small crack in the ceiling, not large enough to even fit your smallest finger through. Alec looked around. There was a toilet, a sink, and a mat on the floor. He sat on the mat. Hopefully Jia would tell Magnus and the others what had happened so they don't think he got kidnapped again.

Jace's POV

"What?!" Izzy yelled at the guard who stood in front of them. 

"Alec didn't do anything!" Clary protested. 

"None of us even knew the cup was missing!" Jace continued, his fist clenched at his sides. 

"Who did this?" Izzy asked. 

"Look, I don't have any details. I'm just under orders. And the Consul is appointing Ms. Brownwell here as Head of the Institute, effective immediately." The guard said, gesturing at Lydia before turning around and disappearing through the portal. 

"It's nice to see you all again," Lydia said, smiling at the three of them. 

Izzy scowled at her. Clary flat up turned around and walked right out the door. Jace just stood there. 

Alec didn't deserve to be locked up. He's never done anything wrong. He shivered, remembering his horrible experience in the Silent City. He didn't know much about the Gard in Alicante, except that you didn't want to end up there. 

"Don't worry," Lydia whispered. "I don't intend on staying here any longer than I have to. I'd rather not interact with certain people. Alec will be back before you even know it." And with that, she walked off down the hall and into Alec's office, slamming the door behind her.

Hellloooooooo!!!! I know what you're thinking. "Wtf, Lily?" Or maybe you don't care. I don't know. I didn't read over this chapter before publishing it so sorry for any typos.  Anyway, sorry for the short chapter. I'm super busy today. Lots of school work. And my Mom's the Vice President of my school PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) and because it is Teacher Appreciation week, we've got a lot of stuff to do from going live on Facebook for a bunch of nonsense to making posters to put around the area. So, I have to go. Thank Y'all for reading, and bye. :)


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