Chapter 15

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Magnus's POV

"Alexander... are you okay?" His face was pale, and his eyes had dark circles under them, as if he hadn't slept in ages.

"No, I'm not. And I can't do this anymore."

"Do what?"

"Be with a downworlder. It's not right. Downworlders shouldn't be with Shadowhunters. I should have just married Lydia." 

Magnus stood up, grabbing his arm right before he walked out the door.

"Alexander, it's just the stress talking. You've been through a lot. I think you need some sleep."

"I'm not stressed. I just can't believe I was stupid enough to choose a disgusting warlock over another Shadowhunter."


"Magnus," Alec said, pulling away from the warlock. "We're done." He walked away, slamming the bedroom door in Magnus's face. Magnus just stood there, tears running down his face. He heard the front door open, and then close. 

Magnus couldn't believe what had just happened. He whirled around, lashing out with his magic. The lamp on the bedside table flew across the room, shattering against the wall. The lights in his apartment went out. He heard the sound of a portal in his living room. Seconds later, Lorenzo Rey opened his bedroom door.

"Magnus," He said. "You know you just cut the power in half of the city, right?"

"I don't care," Magnus grumbled, about to destroy something else before Lorenzo grabbed his hand. 

"Well half the city does." He said. "And as High Warlock of Brooklyn, it's my job to make sure problamatic warlocks like yourself don't cause trouble."

Magnus turned around to face him. He knew he was still crying, but he didn't care. Nothing mattered right now. Nothing except Alexander. 

Lorenzo raised his eyebrows when he saw Magnus's face. "May I ask what's wrong?"

"Alec..." Magnus swallowed. He didn't ask himself why he was telling Lorenzo this. He didn't even think about it. "Alec broke up with me,"

"You mean that boy toy shadowhunter that runs the New York Institute?" Magnus nodded. "About time. Everyone knows downworlders and Shadowhunters can't be together."

Magnus didn't answer. He couldn't even be mad right now. The only thing he felt was a hollow throbbing in his chest. 

Alec's POV

"Magnus!" Alec shouted. Aliante was on fire. Jace was dead. Isabelle was missing in action. Clary was nowhere to be seen. All around him, demons flew around the city. The sky had gone from bright blue to ash and smoke. 

"Alec..." Alec ran over to him, laying Magnus's bloody head in his lap. 

"Magnus, can you hear me?" 

Magnus replied by taking a shallow breath. His eyes started to flutter. 

"I love you, Alexander." He said weakly, his voice barely heard over all of the screams around them. 

"No, Magnus! Don't leave me!" Alec had tears running down his face, each one splashing on the warlocks' face. Alec watched as Magnus's eyes slid shut, and he let out one final breath. His hand slipped from Alec's and hit the cold ground with a light thud.

"Everyone you love is dead." A voice said from behind him. Alec whirled around to find himself looking into Jonathan's pitch-black eyes. At his feet, the dead bodies of Clary, Isabelle, Max, Maryse, and Robert all lay in a pool of dark red blood. "You're home is destroyed. Everything you cared about his gone."

"W-why did you do this?" Instead of answering, Jonathan just smiled. Alec's head began to hurt like crazy, his chest turning into ash.

He woke up screaming. He took a deep breath, looking around him. He was in the cell. In Alicante. And it wasn't on fire. 

"Nightmare?" A voice asked from the darkness. 

Alec stood up. "Who's there?"

"I'm Maisy Featherlace. In the cell next to you. I've been here for years. It's better not to sleep. They haunt you with your worst fears." 

"Oh," Alec whispered. All he could think about was Magnus's hand falling from his. His siblings and parents dead. But what if that actually happens?

Isabelle's POV

Isabelle had just got back from the mall with Clary. She held Alec's birthday gift in her hands. There was a knock on her bedroom door. She quickly tucked the gift under her bed as Alec stuck his head in. 

"Alec?" She said standing up. "I thought you were in the Gard."

"We held the trial this morning and I'm good to go." He smiled. 

"Really? That was fast."


"That's good. Did you tell Magnus?" 

"About that..." He paused, then smiled. "I broke up with him."

"You did what?! Please tell me you didn't make a deal with another Prince of Hell."

"No..." He looked confused and then sighed. "It's just not right for a Shadowhunter to be with a downworlder."

"Alec! How could you even say that? He loves you, and you love him!"

"It wasn't love. It was stupidity. I should have never let him crash that wedding."

The second Alec, left, Isabelle grabbed her phone and called Magnus. She waited, but it went to voice mail. 

"You've reached Magnus Bane. Please don't leave a..." Isabelle hung up. 

She stood up and left her room. "Jace!" She said banging on his bedroom door. 

"It's open!" Izzy swung the door open. Jace was standing at the punching bag in the corner of his room, his shirt off and his hair wet with sweat.

"Alec broke up with Magnus." She said. 

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. And he was so pale too. I'm worried about him."

"You're right." Jace grabbed a t-shirt, slid it over his head, and walked out the door. 

 Isabelle ran after him. She followed him down the hall into Alec's office, where they found him sitting at his desk working on a bunch of papers. He looked up when they walked in. Jace didn't say anything. He just grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room. He grabbed the stele from his pocket and pushed Alec into his bedroom, closing the door and locking it with the stele. 

"What the hell, Jace!" He shouted from the other side of the door. 

"Alec, you need to relax. Go to bed." Jace shouted back. 

"Really, Jace?" Isabelle said as they walked away from the door. Alec was banging on it. "Was that necessary?"

"Yes," Jace stopped walking and turned to face her. "He needs to take a break. He's been working way too damn hard ever since Jonathan got out. If he doesn't calm down a bit, he's going to get himself hurt." 

Izzy sighed. "You're right. Maybe it's for the best."

Hello y'all! How is everyone? Probably all slowly dying of boredom while stuck in your house all day. I got so bored that I drew Jojo Siwa. Somebody help me. Okay, thanks for reading! Also, I hope this makes up for yesterday's really short chapter. Okay, bye! 


Q: Does anybody have any guesses about who is pretending to be Alec?

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