Author's Note + Bonus

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Hello my people! I am going to try to write Chapter six before Monday. I'm not making any promises though. Anyway, a few people asked when this story is happening. Like, is this after the show ended or? Well what I'm doing is pretending that most of the last five episodes never happened.  Magnus didn't propose, they're not married, (yet. ;) Clary still remembers the Shadowword, obviously. Luke is still a wolf. Lorenzo is not High warlock though. Alec is still head of the NY institute. Maia is not the leader of the wolf pack. And I'm also pretending Malec never broke up. Because I just couldn't. 

Also, someone asked me on a different story to tell Y'all a bit about myself. So here are the basics. 

1) I hate math.

2) I love reading and writing.

3) I'm a big fan of Percy Jackson, Hunger Games, Divergent, The Series of Unfortunate Events, (The books, not so much the shows or movie.) and Shadowhunters. (Duh.)

4) The Percy Jackson movies are a disgrace to mankind. 

5) I'm currently 13 years old. 

6) I love Disney.

7) My friends call me a nerd. 

8) I have glasses because my eyesight stinks.

9)I'm the oldest sibling.



I wrote a song.

Jingle bells, 

Demons smell,

Malec all the way,

Lillith died, 

No one cried,


Crap Lillith is back...

Jingle bells,

Lillith smells,

She brought Jonathan back,

Oh my god,

Clary's mom,





No more runes for you.

OKAY. Sorry I had to be stupid for a few minutes. Well I'm gonna post this now so BYEEEE.


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