Chapter 2

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Magnus's POV

Magnus stared at the screen in front of him. Robert was laughing as the hooded figures dragged the now unconscious Alec out of the room. 

Clary had her hands over her mouth. "Oh my god." She whispered. "Robert's going to kill him." 

"He wouldn't," Isabelle said, her confidence wavering. "Would he?" 

"Remember," Robert said from the screen. "three days." 

Then the screen flickered and turned black. 

"What are we going to do?" Jace asked, his arms crossed over his chest and a worried look plastered to his face. 

Magnus could feel the magic pulsing through his veins, his anger rising. Blue mist surrounded his hand, little bolts of lightning coming from his fingertips. "I'll kill that son of a bi-"

"Language," Isabelle whispered as Max ran up behind them, followed by Maryse. 

"Isabelle! Jace!" She hugged them both. Then tunred to Magnus. "Where's Alec? I'm surprised he's not with you." 

Magnus and Izzy exchanged glances. 

"Well," Jace stepped forward. "Let's just say you missed a lot while you were in Idris."

"What is that supposed to mean? Where is Alec? Is he okay?" Max spoke up.

Isabelle turned to the computer. "Maybe I can pull up a recording of the video." She said, her fingers hovering over the keyboard for a few seconds before she began to type. "Ah, here it is." She clicked on a file and the image of Robert and Alec appeared on the screen.  She clicked play.

"Robert?!" Maryse exclaimed. "How could he?"

She caught her breath when Alec passed out. Magnus couldn't watch this anymore. He turned and ran out of the institute, his fingers flickering with magic, his eyes those of a cat. He snapped and his sparkly suit turned to a dark hooded robe. Suddenly he couldn't focus on anything but Alec. Images of him flooded his mind. How he walked away from Lydia, told off his mom, and kissed Magnus for the first time right there in front of everyone. Alec shooting arrows at demons as they flew by, Alec saying "I love you." How he stayed with Magnus when he lost his powers,  Alec telling him he was beautiful, even without eyeliner and glitter. Nothing else mattered but him. Magnus burst into a run, dodging cars and people in the busy Manhattan traffic. He clutched the lucky charm Alec had given him in his hand, relying on his magic to tell him where Alec was. 

I'm coming. He thought, as he started to run even faster.

Alec's POV

"Alec." Someone was shaking him. "Alec, wake up." Whoever it was decided to give up. Alec opened his eyes just enough to see Robert walk over to the guard that had held the sword to his throat. "If you killed him, I'm going to snap your neck." 

"S-sir, that shouldn't have killed him..." The guard stuttered. 

"You know what," Robert licked his lips. "You are pretty useless. I'm going to do it anyway." He grabbed the guard's head, jerked it sideways until it cracked, and watched the guard crumple to the floor, her hood falling off to reveal a girl about Alec's age. 

Robert turned back to Alec, who closed his eyes immediately. "I'm so sorry, Alec. I wish there was another way." Alec kept his eyes closed. He heard a door close and then silence. He opened his eyes. His neck hurt like crazy where the girl had cut him, and it was still bleeding.  He ripped off part of his shirt and pressed it to his neck to stop the bleeding. The lights turned off and Alec was left in complete darkness. He sat there for hours, just waiting for something to happen. Finally, something did.

"Hey! you can't go in there!" Someone shouted. A burst of blue light came from the long dark hallway, followed by a scream. 

"Somebody stop him!" 

What is happening? Alec wondered. 

"Don't let him get to Alexander!" Robert's voice echoed from the hallway. "Kill him if you have to!"

Kill who? Alec tried to stand up, but winced in pain from his neck and slid back down to the floor. 

Another burst of blue light followed by more screams. 

"Fine!" Robert shouted. "I'll kill him myself." More blue light, more screams. 

A hooded figure ran into the room, Robert right on his heels. Blue mist swirled around his painted nails... then it finally dawned on him. 

"Magnus!" Alec shouted. "Don't you dare hurt him, Robert!" 

Magnus turned to him. "Alec!' 

"I'm sorry, Alec," Robert said as he lifted a knife above his head. 

Alec didn't register what he was doing until the knife left Robert's hand. 

"Magnus, look out!" But the words left his mouth seconds too late. The knife drove itself into Magnus's back, who fell to the ground with a shout. 

"Someone put the warlock with Alexander," Robert said before turning away and walking out of the room. 

A guard dragged Magnus into the small room and threw him on the floor next to Alec. 

"Magnus," Alec scooted over to him, laying his head in his lap. "Magnus stay with me."

He didn't answer. 

"Please, I don't know what I would do without you."

"Hey," Magnus said, his voice weak and barley loud enough for Alec to hear. "I will always be with you, Alexander, no matter what." He started to cough up blood, shaking violently. His eyes began to flicker. 

"Don't close your eyes. Stay with me!" 

"I love you," Magnus whispered before his eyes slid shut. 

"Magnus! Please, don't leave me!" Tears were streaming down his face, landing on Magnus. "I love you too." Alec grabbed his hands. He pulled him into a hug, letting Magnus's head rest on his chest. "I love you," Alec whispered again, pulling him in for a kiss. Magnus's hand slipped from his and hit the floor with a light thud. Alec hugged him. He cried into his hair until it was soaked. He couldn't lose Magnus. He just couldn't. Alec couldn't even feel the pain in his neck anymore. Just the hollow throbbing in his heart. 

A/N: Sorry if I made anyone cry... Please don't kill me... 

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